4 Common Issues That May Require a Dental Operation
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Many things can cause you to have trouble with your teeth, and some aren’t a big deal. But if some dental issues go untreated, your dental pain could get worse. Then you might need to start asking the question, do I need dental surgery?
How do you know if your dental issues are serious? Read on to learn about common dental problems and if you need to talk to your dentist about a dental operation.
1. Tooth Loss
It’s not uncommon to lose teeth, especially as you get older. A missing tooth here or there may not bother you, but if they are falling out because they are rotting and causing pain you may need to talk to a professional about getting them replaced.
To relieve your pain or help you eat again, you may need dental implants or dentures. Each will require you to talk to a dentist or oral surgeon to have dentures created or the implants put in.
2. Dental Pain
40% of adults in the US said they experienced dental pain in the last year. Dental pain can be the result of cavities, impacted teeth, or other dental issues or diseases. Since there is such a range of causes for dental pain, it can be best to see a dentist to determine the root cause.
If you are experiencing pain in the back of your mouth, you may have wisdom teeth that need removing. Wisdom teeth removal requires oral surgery.
If you have an emergency or are experiencing severe dental pain that isn’t going away, you should speak to an oral surgeon right away. An oral surgeon can provide you with the proper treatment and care that an ER or urgent care couldn’t.
3. Difficulty Eating or Sleeping
Individuals with an over or underbite or a congenital disability may experience issues when chewing or swallowing. These issues can cause long-term health effects, so a professional might recommend surgery to correct these dental issues.
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where an individual temporality stops breathing while asleep. Sleep apnea can cause severe conditions like heart disease. To help resolve this issue, a doctor might recommend you have oral surgery to improve your breathing.
4. Jaw Pain or Popping
If you are experiencing jaw pain or popping, you may have an issue with your temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects your jaw and skull. Jaw pain can be treated with other measures like medication and splints. But in some cases, maxillofacial surgery might be needed to correct specific problems with the joint to resolve pain.
See If a Dental Operation Will Help Your Dental Issues
Dental health plays a vital role in your overall health. If you are experiencing dental issues or pain, it is best to consult a dental professional to determine if your problems are serious and require oral surgery. Having an oral surgeon perform a dental operation will get you back to feeling great about your smile.
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