How to keep the atmosphere of a boring session lively?

Everyone has had a teacher who talks in a monotone and reads from the textbook aloud. And every one of us has had the option to avoid becoming that instructor. Even we have experienced recognising the spark of interest in the eyes of our kids and grinning as the bell sounds because the atmosphere is so high, and no one wants the period to end. How can we prolong these moments? How can we create a stimulating atmosphere that keeps kids wanting more? How can we increase our fun?
The online certificate for teachers offers many fun ways to engage in communication. How can we make teaching more pleasurable so that learning is joyful for students?
- Together, discover new things.
It is far more enjoyable for both students and professors when they acquire new knowledge together. It is your responsibility to teach, but why can’t this process include the pleasure of shared discovery? Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, make it a point to drop your authoritative guard, humble yourself, and enjoy the trip of a lifetime together.
- Include a sense of mystery in your teaching.
Learning is most enjoyable when it is unexpected. Instead of just disseminating knowledge, shroud it in mystery. Highlight the strange, the uncommon, and the unique. Ask questions. Start with an intriguing aspect that can only be addressed by delving into the subject’s history and researching it in depth. Introduce a puzzle at the beginning of the term and have your students attempt to solve it throughout the semester.
- Be silly; show you care.
Relax; chuckle; poke fun at yourself. Not to worry about giving up your power. In fact, according to the most recent study, authority originates from demonstrating concern for your pupils, and making them laugh and feel good is one method to do this.
- Contribute to projects.
My university professor of creative writing would bring his work to class for students in the workshop. It was a lot of fun for all of us, and he enjoyed it. We were all more invested in the assignment because he was willing to participate by lowering himself to our level and truly engaging in an activity he assigned himself.
- Avoid just going through the motions.
Stop and re-evaluate your teaching method if you find yourself falling into a rut, spending the same hours each day in the same manner. Using the same lectures and procedures year after year with different kids is so simple, particularly after more than twenty years of experience in the profession, and it’s easy to let everything become routine. But if you don’t find it enjoyable, neither will your pupils. Attempt to be new, try new things, take chances, make errors, and appreciate the present moment.
- Flip your teachings.
Flipping your teachings will prevent you from engaging in tedious in-class activities. If students view lectures or do their assignments the night before, you may devote class time to more in-depth instruction. Everyone will welcome the opportunity to ponder on the subject rather than regurgitate it.
- Review content, but do not repeat it.
It is essential for learning and memory to constantly examine new content and incorporate it into the larger picture formed by previous material. Spend an hour or two every week revisiting content from the previous two weeks, but always contextualise it so that students can understand how everything goes together. Simply repeating new knowledge is a squandered chance for learning.
- Share your interests.
Show pupils how you enjoy yourselves. Enthusiasm is infectious. If you’re enjoying yourself, chances are so will your pupils.
- Enjoy your pupils’ humour.
The finest instructors I’ve ever had really like their pupils. Enjoying one another is one of the finest methods to guarantee that instructors and students have pleasure.
- Replace classroom lectures with discussions.
Why must education be so passive? Forget the sage on the stage and converse with your pupils as you would with a close friend. This does not need asking more questions, but it does necessitate a shift in style in which you and your students actively exchange ideas rather than just replying to them.
- Provide a performance.
Doug Lemov discusses in his books and seminars how to walk about the classroom, what words to use when complimenting a kid, and how to vary your head position so that pupils know you’re looking at them. According to him, teaching is “a performing profession.” You do not need to be dramatic (although it may help), but you must be self-aware.
- Take pleasure in yourself.
People with strong self-confidence, whom we admire and listen to, seem to share a crucial characteristic: they enjoy themselves. You will have a much easier time instructing if you focus on strengthening your connection with yourself. Your pupils will also enjoy themselves more.
- Make yourself accessible.
Instead of going to the teacher’s lounge for lunch, remain in your classroom and encourage kids to join you. Keep your doors open after the last school bell has rung. Be accessible online for a portion of the evening. Hold group and individual office hours. Invite students to your house for workshops or celebrations after the conclusion of a course.
- Try being a student once again.
Sit in the audience and let your pupils instruct you for the day. Spend a week doing your homework. Let students evaluate you on projects or speeches.
One concern many get from students is that lecturers do not understand that their course is not the only one they are enrolled in. Students have different subjects and have to juggle many classes. This does not imply relaxing your standards or being indulgent on late work; rather, it means recognizing that students may have interests and priorities that differ from your own. Try to be understanding, and even show interest in the other classes students are enrolled in. Consider it a chance to enhance students’ understanding of your topic by linking it to other fields. Enrolling in courses like PgCTL can help teachers to understand their students better.
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