How to Make The Most Out of Virtual Employee Appreciation

Appreciation is something that is simple, yet bears great importance. When the employees of a company are provided with proper appreciation and recognition for their hard work, efforts, and contributions to the company, they feel valued and happy. They feel motivated to keep doing a good job, and their productivity highly increases. They get highly engaged with their work, their colleagues, and the company, and as a result, the company enjoys massive growth and success. The same goes for the virtual employees too.
You can turn your remote workforce into a great asset for the company by implementing a proper virtual employee appreciation program. Only implementing a program won’t work, you will need to make the best out of your virtual employee appreciation program to get results. You can include numerous things in the program. Here is a list of some things that will help you make the most of your remote employee appreciation program.
You can take help from a credible professional gifting platform like Gift Market and get curated care packages delivered to your remote employees. They will love the surprise and you might end up getting some great and positive publicity on LinkedIn!
Maximizing the Use of Technology for Keeping Remote Employees Connected
Virtual video calls in platforms like zoom, instant chat, constant communication through emails, etc. will ensure that the employees will all be apprised of what their colleagues are working on, who will be able to offer some help in completing special tasks or projects, etc. just like the way it would be in an office setting.
Sharing Virtual Appreciation
Sharing appreciation for each other virtually can be a great way to make the best out of the virtual employee appreciation program. Also, the higher-ups of the company can often share their appreciation for the employees on different virtual platforms to make them feel appreciated and valued. Appreciation can be easily shared by a simple virtual note saying “thank-you”, or a thank you text message.
Virtual Experiences
Employees can be offered opportunities to attend different virtual events, concert shows, activities, etc. based on their preferences to show them an appreciation for their hard work. They can also be provided with opportunities to join different virtual classes or courses that will help them learn new things and help them with their personal growth and career development.
Celebrating Special Days and Achievements of Remote Employees
You can celebrate the special days of your remote employees to show them that you care about them. It will make them feel highly valued and appreciated.
For doing so, they can be provided with reward points that can be redeemed for gifts, vacations, etc. They can be provided with electronic gift cards. Also, you can send cake, snack baskets, care packages, etc. to their homes.
Creating A Reward and Recognition Program
Creating a reward and recognition program is a very wise idea. Your remote employees can feel a sense of belonging to the company by taking part in this program. They can also feel motivated to keep doing better in their jobs so that they can get appreciated too just like the ones that work at the office. They will feel like they are also a part of the workplace.
Wellness Perks
The wellness of your remote employees should be of high priority to you. You need to acknowledge their hard work and provide them with your care and appreciation through wellness perks. You need to make the wellness of your employees a crucial part of your company culture. Your employees will feel highly valued and appreciated if they are provided with wellness perks and benefits such as, healthy snack hampers, meditation app subscriptions, fitness bands, care baskets carrying masks, sanitizers, etc. They can also be provided with specific equipment that will help them with their exercises, meditation, etc.
Surprise Day Off
Some people might think that it’s really easy to work from home, and they have a lot of time on their hands. But that’s not the case at all. Their work-life balance becomes almost non-existent for not having clear timing boundaries. They often start the day with office work and end the day too with them. They hardly have time to enjoy themselves and spend time with their near and dear ones. Not going to the office doesn’t save them much time and work after all. So, they can be provided with surprise day-offs to show them an appreciation for their hard work.
It will not only make them feel valued, but they will also have a much-needed break from work. They will have some time for themselves and their near and dear ones. This is one of the best virtual appreciation ideas for remote employees.
Final Words
You can resort to one or multiple of the mentioned ideas easily, as each of these ideas can help your employees feel appreciated enough. Your virtual employees will feel connected and engaged with your company and will get highly motivated to do their job. In turn, the company will enjoy massive growth and success by making the most out of the virtual employee appreciation program.
Passionate Writer, Blogger and Amazon Affiliate Expert since 2014.