Top Security Tips for Students When Studying Online at Home
Studying at home is easy and simple just like browsing data from Netflix or YouTube. But the personal information can be hacked by any criminal if you are not meticulous about regular updates. In this guest post, we are providing some tips that help students to prevent data from unauthorized access, hackers, and cybercriminals.
The unpredicted hit of COVID 19 has forced the entire education system to relocate into an online environment. Students across the globe are studying online using online study tools to access study documents like this business communication assignment while sitting at their homes only. Further, such materials allow learners to identify knowledge gaps and enhance their learning.
Undoubtedly, considering the situation both teachers and students prefer remote studying. But the main issue arises when it comes to privacy and security. Things are not the same and easy as they used to be when students were physically present in school. Students can unknowingly share data that can be misused by cybercriminals or hackers. Hence, it becomes quite essential to stay proactive regarding data sharing and protect the channel via which data is being sent.
Encryption with a VPN
Most often networks and connections that are connected with the internet are not encrypted. It means the data you are sharing can easily come into the eyes of hackers. This leads to a loss of privacy for students; hackers not only check out your data but also have access to your camera and microphone. In case, a student has a connection with the university database, then it’s equally dangerous for the university database.
This problem can be resolved while installing VPN software. Generally, a VPN converts a public network into a private one so that data stays safe through encryption. The best schools in Abu Dhabi mostly make use of VPN software to protect online activity and confidential data from being spied by hackers.
Must Use Strong Password
On your preference, your teacher may tell you to use a wide range of online services or platforms that entails you to create an account. Suppose, you need to buy textbooks, then you have to add card details. In this case, straightforward and easy to crack passwords affect your personal information.
Hackers may have all the information starting from your name to account. You can easily avoid this issue with basic password etiquette. Starters shouldn’t choose the same password for each platform, specifically if it’s connected to your email. Make a strong password and include lower case letters, uppercase letters, numbers, special characters in your password.
Update Firewall/Antivirus Regularly
Antivirus softwares like Windows Defender or Avast protects the sensitive and helps to stay far away from the bad stuff of the internet. However, it can be only possible if we feed information about the latest virus. If the installed antivirus doesn’t know about the virus, then it will allow another virus to roam in your system.
The lack of updates can result in basic malware and phishing scams. This can result in stolen private data, hacking of accounts, or e-mails. So, make sure you are updating your PC regularly with security software. If you do so, you don’t need to worry about stealing your data.
Look Website URLs Twice
If you see, website URLs are becoming fancier and fancier. It doesn’t mean you can trust on any website. Several trusty and reputable platforms may have duplicates on the web. It may happen that you login into a duplicate website and lose your account along with other consequences.
So, be aware of this threat and check on the website URL, before entering any confidential information. The best high schools in Abu Dhabi advise if you can locate the “lock icon” in the URL, it means that a particular website is safe and you can add your details if needed. But, if not, it’s good to click on the back button and find the reliable one.
A user can also check certificate details in clicking a padlock like if it is a single domain, multi domain or any other type of SSL. For a website owner, a selection of SSL is a foundation. You can choose lowest or cheap wildcard SSL for example, if your website runs on multiple subdomains that point to a primary domain. Thus, checking of URL and type of SSL both carry own importance.
Apart from this, the URL must be checked. For example, official resources/sources and websites end with .com and rarely with .io
Before doing any transaction or connecting your account to any website, make sure you have checked the URL twice.
Verify Emails If You Doubt
The greatest threat to personal data or information is end-user, which means students. At the beginning of the pandemic, many video meetings, and conferences were bombarded by cybercriminals that helped them to send a private invitation to students. It happened because some students pressed a phishing email they received at that moment.
These data breaches can be easily avoidable if you don’t click or open any email that is coming from an unknown user. Suppose, if you are receiving any mail that might look that your teacher has sent to you, it’s better to ask them before actually opening it.
The Final Note
Studying at home is the need of an hour but don’t make it a chance for cybercriminals to hack your personal information. Since, students cooped inside the door and have to study online, make sure data sharing remains encrypted. Follow these crucial tips and avoid any kind of cyber-attack!
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