There are indisputably numerous benefits to having a swimming pool. They range from aesthetic enhancement to valuable entertainment, exercise tools, and even home value boosters. You can get satisfaction from realising your vision for a style and design that suits your tastes once your pool is in place. However, getting to that point means enduring the construction process.
If getting a swimming pool is on your wish list, you must also wonder what to expect during the pool installation process. This is a valid concern, and having an idea may help ease some fears and answer any questions you may have. Therefore, this article aims to respond to your desire for more information by breaking down and outlining the swimming pool construction process from start to finish.
What is the Pool Construction Process?
The two foundational steps you will take in the process are identifying and hiring a pool builder before drawing up a pool design. This sequence allows you to have a professional’s input into your pool’s final appearance. The expert’s advice is useful for identifying the feasibility, durability and any pitfalls that may arise based on your selected pool design. As a result, this knowledge will ensure that your pool fits and complements the space it occupies.
Once you have selected the right design, the installation begins. The pool construction process typically follows the following steps:
Step 1: Excavation
This step entails clearing the space your pool will occupy by removing any trees and other vegetation in the area. The builder then paints and stakes the pool’s shape. Afterwards, they bring in heavy equipment like front loaders and excavators to dig out the pool ( aprocedure that takes a few hours to a day or two, depending on your swimming pool’s size).
Once the pool is completely dug out, the contractors install a gravel drainage bed on the pool’s bottom.
Step 2: Set-up
This step is the process where the builder creates the pool’s skeleton and muscle structure. Five primary parts make up the set-up phase:
- The structural steel installation- the builder reinforces the hole with steel rebar, thus providing structural support for the shell.
- “Stub” plumbing to prep the shell- contractors install all the essential plumbing and electrical components at this stage. The plumbers also ensure proper sealing and pressurisation to prevent leaks after pouring concrete.
- Gunite- this is concrete that the builder shoots out of a high-velocity air gun. The contractors pump the gunite over and behind the rebar. This part of the installation process takes the longest to complete.
- Electrical connections- here, electricians connect all necessary electrical components.
- Complete plumbing and equipment installation.
Step 3: Tile, Coping, and Deck
While the gunite cures, the builder installs the tile and coping (the pool’s stone border). Upon completion, a decking crew installs paver decking or pours the concrete that will make up the deck.
Step 4: Finishing Touches
The final steps entail applying plaster onto the pool’s surface. The plaster is an interior finish that protects the steel and pool shell while making cleaning easier. As soon as it is in place, it is time to fill the pool with water, after which there is a final clean-up beforestart-up ensues. Most builders will provide an in-depth tutorial on the start-up process, including advising on the best operation and maintenance procedures.
As you can see, the swimming pool installation process can be quite long and drawn out, depending on the pool’s size and design. It is also quite a messy endeavour- with mud, concrete and other building materials everywhere. Therefore, it is best to plan accordingly and be diligent in keeping children and pets away from the site throughout the process.
Finally, keep in mind that a good outcome relies on your collaborative relationship with the pool builder. So, don’t be afraid or resistant to exchanging ideas and asking questions. Clear communication will only help ease the process.
Passionate Writer, Blogger and Amazon Affiliate Expert since 2014.