12 Reasons Why You Need A High Filtration Mask

There are two kinds of masks in the market – the high filtration mask and the low filtration mask. A high filtration mask may appear more expensive compared to a low filtration mask, but it can provide you with better protection from pollutants in your environment.
This article will discuss 12 reasons why you need to use a high filtration mask when traveling or living in polluted areas.
Airborne Particulate Matter (PM)
Airborne particulate matter (PM) is tiny particles in the air that are one-thirtieth to one-half micrometer in diameter, which means they are smaller than pollen and dust. An average human hair measures 70 micrometers.
PM can easily penetrate indoor environments through heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems, cracks in building structures, and even personal breathing zones.
Organic Vapors
Organic vapors are gases given off by many types of mold, chemicals, and other household items that can be dangerous if inhaled.
Inhaling these toxins will wreak havoc on your body. But, it’s not just harmful chemicals in your home that can cause trouble; dust particles, pet dander, and pollen are all common culprits that may lead to respiratory problems.
If you suffer from asthma or allergies, a high-filtration mask is one of those things you should keep close by at all times.
Pesticides aren’t just dangerous for adults; pesticides can also harm children. Children are most commonly exposed to pesticides while they’re still in their mother’s womb.
Once babies are born, infants and young children are likely to be exposed to harmful pesticides through hand-to-mouth contact with their toys and other objects, including floors and carpets.
This is why high filtration masks are so important for kids—they help protect little ones from harmful toxins.
Agricultural Residue (Dirty Dust)
Trees, crops, and fields are often sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals. When you breathe in air polluted with particles from these residues, it can irritate your lungs.
That’s why high-filtration masks offer protection. These masks filter out 99% of fine dust particles, which are hazardous to your health.
Microbial Contamination
The air that we breathe is filled with microscopic particles that can harm us in various ways. One way is through microbial contamination, which refers to airborne microbes such as viruses, bacteria, and fungal spores.
Simply walking around outside can expose you to disease-causing microbes. The air inside your home or office may be just as bad because there are plenty of invisible sources that will contaminate your breathing space: pets, mold spores, and allergens like pet dander and dust mites.
Radon Gas
Radon is a radioactive gas that can enter your home and seep through cracks in floors, walls, and foundations. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and invisible—making it a silent danger.
However, if you’re concerned about radon in your home, high-filtration masks are one way to reduce exposure.
Household Dust Mites
While it’s true that dust mites are found in all homes and that they cause roughly 90% of allergic reactions to house dust, a high-quality HEPA air purifier will help you reduce your exposure to these allergens.
House dust mites are easily removed by vacuuming, but their fine powdery excrement (and eggs) can still linger for weeks in your home.
Metal Dust
Your mask may not be enough to protect you from all air pollutants. If your filtration is less than 50, you’re in danger of inhaling dangerous metal dust such as steel, iron, zinc, and chromium into your lungs.
These metals are harmful to breathe and can cause long-term respiratory damage if not filtered out of your breath with a high-filtration mask.
The Flu
While most of us dread cold and flu season, there are some advantages to having a runny nose. If you’re going outside, especially in an area where people are out and about, it’s important to protect yourself against airborne viruses. Thankfully, a high filtration face mask can help keep those germs at bay.
Iron Oxide
Studies suggest that people living in regions with high iron oxide air pollution levels are more likely to develop lung cancer and respiratory issues.
To avoid these health problems, wear a high-filtration mask while you’re outside. High-filtration masks will protect your lungs from large dust particles and help keep dangerous microbes out of your mouth, nose, and throat.
Found in batteries, plastics, paint pigments, and cigarette smoke. Exposure is linked to higher risks of cancer and reproductive damage.
Allergic reactions may also occur with long-term exposure to cadmium. Higher-quality respirators and high filtration masks will protect cadmium at hazardous levels.
Black Lung Disease
If you do any indoor wood burning, say a fireplace, you are at risk of developing black lung disease. Black lung disease is an irreversible condition that makes it difficult to breathe and causes progressive difficulty of movement.
It is best to prevent getting black lung instead of dealing with it later in life. When working with wood, use at least a 95% filter mask.
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