
4 Things You Should Know About UTVs

Off-roading is a fun and thrilling experience, whether alone or with friends and family. However, one main challenge is finding a vehicle that can handle different terrains without breaking them down.

If you are an off-roader who loves to bring utilities with you for activities like fishing or camping, a utility terrain vehicle (UTV), also known as a side-by-side, is the best option. These vehicles come with a lot of storage space and can seat three passengers, side-by-side, and a driver.

Since they are built to be more functional, you can also use them to carry equipment. This makes them a perfect addition to your farming machinery because you can move equipment, farm supplies, and animal feed.

Whether you want it for recreation or to haul equipment, some things you need to know about UTVs before buying include:

1. UTV vs. ATV

People often confuse UTS and All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), mainly because they are good off-road vehicles. However, ATVs are specifically used to help you easily move around on off-roads. They can only accommodate two people and use a handlebar steering instead of a steering wheel like UTVs.

They are suitable for sporting activities or movement during trail riding, hunting, and fishing. They are also cheaper and less powerful than UTVs.

UTVs, on the other hand, are easier to operate, safer, more comfortable, and have more customization options than ATVs.

2. Gear You Should Bring On Your UTV

Off-roading can be fun but also dangerous, and since you will be away from people, it gets hard to ask for help anytime you are stuck or injured. Some equipment you should always have on your UTV include:

Protective Gear

Goggles, over-the-ankle boots, gloves, long sleeve shirts, long pants, and helmets will keep you safe in case of an accident on rough terrain.

First Aid Kit

Include things like antibiotics, bandages, Band-Aids, pain medication, gauze, and ointment if you fall and get injured through the protective clothes.

Tool Kit

If your UTV breaks down on your off-road trail, the chances are that you might get stuck there for a long time before help can get to you. To avoid that, bring a toolkit with:

  • A wrench
  • Winch
  • Pliers
  • Vise-grips
  • Zip ties
  • Flashlight
  • Duct tape
  • Fire-starting essentials
  • A compass and map
  • Swiss Army knife

Charger and a Cellphone

Having a phone ensures you remain in touch with people at home if anything wrong happens. Also, if you have a medical or mechanical issue that requires you to get a medic or mechanic, you can quickly get in touch with them. If the signal is low for calls to go through, you can send a text message.

Tow Strap

Off-roads usually have a lot of obstacles, and there are higher chances of you or a riding buddy getting stuck. A tow strap ensures that you are not stuck for long. It could also help with pulling a large hunting catch or moving large obstacles like trees off the trail.

Extra Gas

Running out of gas in the wild leaves you no chances of getting back unless someone brings it to you. It ensures you are always on the move and keeps your engine healthy.

Water and Food

Sometimes, you don’t know how long you will be out there when you go for an off-road trip. Having food gives you the strength to keep moving, even if you get lost.

3. Popular UTV Brands

When planning to buy a UTV, quality is vital, so you need to buy from the best brand. You also have to ensure that the brands have quality side by side UTV parts for repair or customization. Some popular brands include the following.


This brand combines precision-engineered handling, industry-leading performance, and rider-focused design. Their most popular UTS are the Commander and Maverick.


Some outstanding UTVs from this brand include the General, RZR, and Ranger, featuring more chiseled looks and trail-ready performance and power.


Famous for making passenger, racing, working, and riding vehicles, UTVs like the Viking and Wolverine from Yamaha are designed to give you power, performance, and unmatched control.


Known for developing UTVs with great power and performance, this brand has UTs like the Prowler and Wildcat.

4. How to Choose a Good UTV

  • Take the UTV for a test drive
  • Inspect the interior and exterior
  • Check the oil
  • Consider the price
  • Look for availability of repair or custom parts


Whether you want a UTV for recreation or utility purposes, you must know everything about them before purchasing. Look at the major brands, what benefits you get from buying a UTV, and shop around. This way, you will find a high-quality UTV for a price that matches your budget.

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