5 scam-free ways to make money online

Online earning is becoming a norm. However, the skepticism regarding these online earning opportunities is valid because of a plethora of scams associated with them. There are several influencers or self-made gurus who make it sound like a walk in the park. But it’s not that easy. The distrust is justified, but there are some safe and legit ways to make money online.
Let’s read about some of them:
Create a YouTube Channel
If you have a knack for creating videos, this can be a source of income for you. You might not be able to make instant money from this. But as they say slow and steady wins. Even seven-year-old kids are earning millions by creating videos on YouTube now.
However, do not replicate the content on other channels. Try to be unique and pick something that interests you. Soon, you will be able to gather followers sharing your interests. Pick a niche that does not have too many cooks already. You can even start reviews online, play video games online, or just make vlogs of places you roam about. Informative videos also garner a higher audience. Whatever your niche is, the key is to be unique and relevant to your target audience.
Once you have attained 1000 subscribers, you will be able to monetize your channel. However, remember that YouTube changes its policy every once in a while. Being a content creator, keep up with these changes and adapt.
Start Freelancing
Freelancing has become a buzzword these days. Google’s freelancers have exceeded its standard employees. In 2019, the number of freelancers stood at 57 million and it has continued to increase persistently ever since. The market is growing at a rapid pace and is ripe to tap. Just pick up a skill you need to leverage and start working.
You can begin with anything from a writer to a graphic designer—even an administrative assistant. If you cannot think of any specific skill, you can work as a customer service representative. Many companies are hiring freelancers for their customer service, as most of the communication now happens on live chat or emails.
It is better to start with a reliable freelancing platform. Otherwise, you might be prone to scams. Sign up on these platforms and start marketing your skills. Once you get a grasp on it, you can easily earn a triple-figure income from your freelancing career.
Buy and Sell
Everyone has random stuff lying around in the house that has not been used for a while. Why not make money by selling it? People have discovered this easy way of making extra money by selling their stuff on eBay. You can get an idea by going to the website and checking what kinds of items are for sale and for what price. Remember that you are living in 2021, so selling your DVDs, CDs or books is not going to be a good idea.
You would not be able to make big bucks from this source, but it can become a good side hustle. You can also buy stuff to sell at a higher price. Find a store that is willing to sell to you in bulk or on-demand and start selling. Be mindful of the shipping cost while selling online. Moreover, make an extra effort to take good photos of your merchandise, as the pictures can be a make-or-break factor for your online store. Shopify is a good place to start your online store. Just sign up and start earning money.
Sell Your Photos
If you know your way around a camera and have a passion for photography, you can easily earn a few bucks by selling your photos. You can even draw vector illustrations and sell them on different sites. There are many exclusive sellers and contributors on that site. If your work is good, you will get loads of downloads in a short time.
If you want to ante it up, market your skill on your social media accounts too. Many photographers have risen to fame by selling their Instagram photos.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is another popular means to earn online money. Not only that it is one of the most effective online earning sources, but it is also a stable way of doing so. The best part is that you can eliminate the risk of scams by having easy access to credible platforms like Amazon, Uber, and Shopify.
You can market other brands’ products and get a commission on sales. Set up a blog, produce quality content, and ramp up your marketing efforts.
Passionate Writer, Blogger and Amazon Affiliate Expert since 2014.