5 Steps For Creating A Well-Optimized FAQ That Will Drive Traffic To Your Website
Is there anything worse than visiting a website and struggling to find the answers you are looking for? And worse yet, to find yourself going around in circles trying to find some contact information?
If only they had a well-optimized FAQ that provided a wealth of useful information. In that case you may well have ended up spending some money with them!
In this article, we’re going to take you through 5 simple steps for creating an awesome FAQ page that will ultimately drive more traffic to your website. Here’s what you need to know…
1. Do the research
Ugh. Yes, ‘research’ is a dirty word but in digital marketing, just like data analytics, it’s unavoidable if you wish to succeed. In order to populate your FAQ with useful information, first you need a clear idea as to what your target audience is actively searching for online.
Fortunately, it won’t take long to determine what the most frequently asked questions are. Once you have that data you can start answering them yourself.
Something as simple as an interactive table of contents can make a huge difference on an FAQ page – especially if you end up with dozens of entries.
In this case, users can easily click on and locate the specific information they are searching for, thus reducing the time it takes to get to the info they need.
3. Add infographics where possible
This won’t apply to every FAQ, however, in some cases it may be beneficial to provide a diagram or infographic of sorts to help your users better digest the information provided.
Don’t add imagery for the sake of adding imagery however; only if it serves a clear purpose and adds value.
4. Anticipate questions
Furthermore, just because a certain question doesn’t come up often in Google doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t address it.
In some cases, there may be additional information that you can add which is unique to your business. Anticipate these questions and demonstrate to your website visitors that you understand their needs and can easily accommodate them.
5. Create intuitive internal linking
Another excellent and undervalued tip for your FAQ page is to create an intuitive internal linking structure.
Understand the intent behind each question and help them find their way to the next appropriate page.
For example, a New York City SEO company might have an FAQ that addresses a question like: “Do you guarantee results” – to which they would respond: “Results are NOT guaranteed, however, you can view our case studies and see the amazing results we have achieved for 100+ clients” etc.
Another bonus for internal linking is that it is actually a ranking factor for Google. This is because a solid internal linking structure helps Google’s bots crawl and index each web page within your site more efficiently.
Final thoughts
Let’s have a quick recap:
- Do your research and identify the questions your audience frequently asks.
- Make the FAQ interactive and easy to navigate.
- Add infographics where necessary.
- Anticipate questions (especially those unique to your business).
- Create an intuitive internal linking structure.
If you commit to the above, you’ll significantly increase your chances at attracting more organic traffic to your website. Aim to answer each question as clearly and concisely as possible and you may even end up in a featured snippet on a Google SERP!
In any case, having an awesome FAQ on your website is a great feature to improve the overall user experience and ultimately take the strain off your customer service department.