5 Things People Despise About Working with PDFs

Nowadays, we utilize PDF files for various purposes these days. Without PDF, it would be quite difficult to operate our day-to-day operations, including tax forms, invoices, payment receipts, research papers, scientific journals, legal attachments, legal documents, textbooks, student assignments as well as for various other educational and commercial purposes. PDFs have become an indispensable part of our daily lives.
Unfortunately, working in PDF software is not good. Despite its popularity, there are many things that annoy and disturb the users to a greater extent.
Despite being one of the most famous formats today, users have multiple complaints. The users get annoyed while using the PDF, utilizing the traditional shortcomings of the PDF.
What Are Some Complaints of People with PDF?
Following are some of the top examples that people have with the PDF:
1. Creation of the PDF is not convenient.
One of the biggest challenges of working with PDF documents is that it is hard to create PDF files. Creating a PDF File from scratch is quite hard. There are multiple apps available that support exporting of content in the PDF file. Users can easily export a Word Document as a PDF, a Webpage as a PDF, and also an image as a PDF file. But can you make a PDF file from scratch and turn “your file” into a PDF? There is no straightforward process for the creation of a PDF file.
But it’s not a big deal to convert any format into PDF. Especially using certain tools like 2pdf.com. It’s an online service capable of performing various operations on the format. And the best part it’s free of charge.
You can create a DOC file and easily turn it into a PDF by dragging and dropping it to the 2pdf.com website. No problems. Or you can do the same with all the images exist: jpg, jpeg, png, etc. The best about it is that this process is reversible. You know that scanned documents usually go in PDF formats. So you can use 2pdf.com, OCR the files, extract text from them and make it editable. This is no longer the issue.
2. PDF Files Are Larger – Occupying Lots of Space.
Another most common complaint about PDFs is their overwhelming size. The PDF files occupy lots of bits and fill up the storage of the device to a greater extent. Although most modern PDF files have a few kilobytes, heavier files are difficult to work with. This translates into reality when the portal limits the file size. So, what would you do then? Will you clip the material?
Do not fetter much. 2pdf.com is always here to assist you. Users can optimize the PDF file by compressing it. You can simply upload a file, reduce its overall size and save it. It is this easy now.
3. Signing the PDF Documents is Quite Difficult.
This is another greater problem, faced by PDF users. People find it extremely cumbersome to sign and send back the PDF document. Thanks to the increasing popularity of PDF files, the de-facto standards of PDFs are becoming common with signatures. How would you sign a PDF document? It will be difficult for you to procure your signature in digital form.
The 2pdf.com team is already working on such a function. In upcoming months they are going to release the “eSign PDF” tool. Its purpose is to solve the problem. Stay tuned.
4. Merging of the PDFs Pages Requires a Lot of Effort.
Let us face it with great honest; it is quite difficult to merge two or more PDFs for creating a single PDF file. Typically, it takes many clicks in the Word Document to merge two PDF files. But with 2pdf.com, it will be a lot more convenient for people to merge 2 or more PDF files within a few seconds and with fewer clicks. Just upload them to the website and the service will take care of the rest.
5. PDF Editors are Ugly Editors.
It’s a popular belief that all PDF editors are heavy and ugly software. How can you make a gorgeous file if you have to work with an ugly tool? Impossible. But 2pdf.com is sharp and weightless. It doesn’t occupy a single megabyte of your system’s memory as it is stored on a server. Just connect to the webpage and enjoy using the service fast and easily.
Bottom Line
When you use PDF files, simply use 2pdf.com and enjoy a speedy working day. The 2pdf.com is the excellent PDF Editor for any system: iOS or Mac. It comes along with a myriad of features, which essentially helps people in maintaining sanity while working with PDFs. Get started with the 2PDF.com now.
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