7 best LinkedIn profile tips for Freelancers

Having a great LinkedIn profile is significant to attract visitors that are your potential customers. There are clients who are always in search of freelancers and if they open your profile, it should be up to date. Most of the clients will first search your LinkedIn page before hiring you. This platform can increase your business exponentially so ensure that you avail full benefits of it. Here are some tips for freelancers that will help in improving your LinkedIn profile:
- Headline
You may be aware of adding keywords in your profile but including them in the headline is a must. When users search for a certain category, the results are based on the keywords. Pay attention to the headline as it is the first thing that the visitors read. Make it clear what you want and where you are working right now. Think what an ideal customer would look for while searching for a freelancer. Also, see to it that you do not overuse the keywords in the headline and only use the relevant ones. Write a creative headline so that the readers go ahead and have a look at the rest of your profile.
- Summary
Next, work on your summary and make it appealing. Here you have to mention why you love freelancing and why you chose it to be your profession. Do not just write directly what you do, instead convert it into a story. This section must contain things that are going to attract clients. Tell them what’s in it for them because only then they would be interested. Explain why you are the best freelancer and how you can be useful to them. Be confident in this section and choose your words wisely. Also, do not forget to add a call to action in the summary.
- Portfolio
This section is the most important for all the freelancers out there. Clients view your portfolio and judge you based on your work. Publish some of your best pieces in your portfolio to make a good impression. Moreover, you can publish your content directly on the LinkedIn timeline as well. For instance, if you are a writer, post some of your articles on this platform. This will not only increase your engagement but also attract visitors. Sharing or creating informative content on LinkedIn is a great way of increasing your network.
- Work Experience
Include work experience that is relevant for the kind of work you are looking for. If you are a website designer then it would be great if you include experience in that field as the clients will know that you are reliable. Mention that you are a freelancer and also in which industry. Adding things like “open to new opportunities” will certainly work for you. When it comes to work experience, include things that you have done recently and do not go back to your high school or college internships.
- Join groups
Being active is the key to being successful on LinkedIn. Creating your profile is not enough as you have to interact with people. Joining groups that are related to your industry will not only increase your network but will also improve your search rankings. If you are a content writer then join groups of content creators and also those groups which are associated with the topics you write about. If a user comes across your profile and notices that you share a mutual group then he or she might be more interested in your work. By seeing your groups, visitors will know about areas of your interests.
- Profile Picture
Most of you do not pay attention to this aspect of your profile but it does make a difference. The biggest mistake you can do is to leave your profile picture empty because users will consider you as a fake or spam profile. Plus, your profile picture does not have to be necessarily formal, like wearing a tie and all. However, use solid backgrounds, wear smart casual attire at least and smile. Put up a decent picture of yourself so the visitors can connect with you on all levels.
- Additional things
Ensure that you get recommendations from your past clients so your potential customers know that you are trustworthy. If you have work experience in numerous sectors then mention them in separate sections. Include bullet points that clearly state what all is accommodated in the services that you offer. Add skills to your profile and also make sure that you add keywords in every section of your LinkedIn profile. Ignore grammatical errors, typos and recheck your profile multiple times before publishing it. If you are not confident enough of your writing skills then you can always hire LinkedIn professional writing services that will create the ideal profile for you.
- Conclusion
These were the 7 best LinkedIn profile development tips for freelancers. Create an amazing profile and wait for new opportunities to knock on your door. A good LinkedIn profile can attract the best of job openings.