
8 Common Exercise Mistakes That Aggravate Back Pain

8 Common Exercise Mistakes That Aggravate Back Pain

Exercise can help alleviate back pain. Engaging in a regular exercise routine improves the strength and flexibility of the back muscles and promotes healing. However, if done poorly, it can cause more pain and discomfort and prolong your misery. That’s why doctors always suggest wearing comfortable shoes especially custom made orthotic shoes which provide more comfort and support than regular shoes and also help to correct posture, reduce pain and fatigue, and improve balance.

According to lumbar spinal stenosis experts in New York, many people experience back pain from working out due to lifting, pulling, or pushing something too heavy. If you have an existing back injury, make sure to consult the physiotherapist in Edmonton before starting any type of exercise to prevent the pain from worsening.

Let us explore the most common exercise blunders that you should avoid:

1. Ignoring the Pain

While back pain can get better on its own, never make the mistake of ignoring it. If you have been experiencing back pain for some time, visit a Willowdale physiotherapy professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan. Getting the right diagnosis allows the physiotherapist to create a treatment and recovery plan that includes exercise and physiotherapy sessions.

2. Skipping Warm-up

Performing a proper warm helps prepare your body for any physical activities. It increases your body’s core, muscle temperature and range of motion to prevent injury. Subjecting stiff and inflexible muscles to strenuous tasks can result in strain and tear. Be sure to perform gentle, low-impact warm-up exercises before engaging in exercise to increase blood flow to your muscle and boost your respiration. Warm up your muscles for about 5 to 10 minutes before stretching.

3. Overdoing Stretches

One of the most common mistakes people make is equating warm-ups with stretches. While stretching exercises do not necessarily prevent injury, they keep your muscles strong, healthy, and flexible. It boosts your range of motion to enhance your performance. Improper stretching can lead to injury. Pre-workout stretches should be done gently after warm-ups. Gently hold stretches for about 20 to 45 seconds and repeat each stretch 2 to 3 times for targeted muscle groups.

4. Neglecting Your Core

The back muscles, abs, and glutes are core muscles that support the spine. Without regular exercise, the core muscles cannot provide your spine with enough support, which results in more back pain. Make sure your exercise routine includes targeting your core muscles to improve strength and flexibility.

5. Repetitive Stress

Most injuries do not happen immediately. Repeating the same movements over and over again can result in injury over time. Take, for instance, playing tennis. Targeting a single group of muscles every single time can lead to imbalance, which causes gradual inflammation and tearing. A balanced workout plan should include alternate movements from time to time and target multiple muscle groups.

6. Improper Exercise Form

Poor exercise posture and form not only exacerbate existing injuries but also trigger new ones. Be sure to practice proper posture and form when exercising. If in doubt, consult a physio in Mississauga or a personal trainer for guidance.

7. Incorrect Use of Gym Equipment

In addition to poor posture and form, using gym equipment improperly can also cause back pain. For instance, you are more likely to injure your neck and shoulder joints with pulldowns behind the neck as it causes your joints to compress, leaving no room for joint movement. Also, over-arching the back during shoulder presses and bench pressing weights can trigger back pain.

8. Twisting the Spine

While yoga exercises help improve strength and flexibility, doing yoga movements, such as spinal twists and forward folds, can worsen back injuries. Before engaging your body in these yoga movements, be sure to listen to your body. If it does not feel right, avoid these movements to prevent painful back injuries. Ask your yoga instructor if they can provide modifications to reduce the stress on your spine. If necessary, skip the yoga and engage in other types of workouts.

Back pain is unique for everyone. Trust yourself and get educated about what triggers and exacerbates back pain. Talking to a physiotherapist helps maximize your chances of getting better quickly.

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