
AC Taking Too Long to Cool: Causes & Fixes

Cool air can only flow freely throughout your home when both supply and return vents are unblocked and open, without obstruction from any source. Closing even one vent could throw off its balance and lead to decreased efficiency or breakdowns of systems that rely on it.

If your ductwork appears to be leaking, professional inspection and sealing services should be sought out immediately to restore its integrity. This will authorize your AC unit to work more effectively while cutting energy costs significantly.

For expert advice on maintaining your home’s cooling system efficiency and ensuring your vents are in top shape, check out the services provided by River Valley.

1. Dirty air filter

Filters in air conditioning systems are your first point of call in case of cooling issues. Over time, however, your filter can get clogged with dust, pet hair, textile fibers and other debris, restricting airflow into the AC unit and forcing its blower fan to work harder to keep up with cooling demands. This can potentially lead it to overheat and become overworked.

Dirty filters also make it harder for your evaporator coil and fans to remove heat from your home, leading to frost or ice build-up on coils that slows the cooling of your house further.

Filters that have become dirty over time can also increase your power bill, forcing the air conditioner to work harder in order to complete its tasks, using more energy in doing so. This results in lower cooling efficiency as well as higher power costs.

2. Refrigerant leaks

Refrigerant leaks can be serious problems that should only be fixed by professional HVAC technicians. A leak may affect how long it takes your home to cool due to less refrigerant flowing through its system; additionally, this could increase energy bills and wear on your air conditioner unit.

A refrigerant is a liquid substance responsible for drawing heat out of your indoor environment before sending it outside to be dispersed and circulated between indoor and outdoor units via copper lines in an inverted loop.

Any leak in either coils or copper lines prevents it from doing its job of cooling the home properly, leading to heat becoming trapped within your living spaces and eventually building up again as heat builds up inside it.

Vibrations frequently cause leaks in systems. When copper pipes vibrate, they may contact other components and result in stress cracks or welds. Leaks may also result from poor installation practices – for instance, overtightening flare connections – or from corrosion due to the environment.

Hissing noises and chemical odors can indicate a refrigerant leak, so any time you hear one or detect one, contact an HVAC company immediately to have it evaluated; otherwise, they risk breathing evaporated refrigerant, which can irritate lungs or even cause chemical burns on the skin.

3. Ductwork issues

Home duct systems are networks of flexible tubing that transport warm and cool air from the furnace and AC units to vents and registers around the home. Leaks in any part of your ductwork could force your AC unit to work harder than expected.

Gaps due to poor connections or holes in seams and joints reduce the volume of conditioned air reaching rooms closest to leaking ducts; this problem becomes most apparent in rooms close by.

The ductwork consists of metal or fiberglass-insulated tubes connected by joints to an HVAC system, usually linked with each other by connections made of flexible tubing. Ductwork leaks may result from improper installation and poor insulation practices; professionals will inspect a duct system for signs of damage or leaks before sealing or replacing damaged sections as necessary.

If your ductwork has not been professionally cleaned in some time, dirt and allergens may have been collected to prevent airflow through it. Duct cleaning services offer an easy, affordable way to enhance indoor air quality and ensure the proper functioning of AC systems.

4. Thermostat settings or the size of your unit

Check your thermostat settings to make sure they’re optimal. Using the “auto” setting enables your air conditioner to turn on and off at an ideal temperature you choose, saving energy by running less frequently.

However, the settings should also be tailored according to the schedules of you and your family members so as not to waste energy when nobody is home; according to Energy Star guidelines, this means setting these “away” and “sleep” temperatures at seven to ten degrees higher or lower than their corresponding “home” settings.

If your air conditioning unit is having trouble cooling your home, it could be because its capacity doesn’t match up to what’s needed to cool the area.

A Manual J Load Calculation performed by an expert will allow you to determine if your AC is appropriately sized for your space. This can help save energy costs over time by preventing your unit from working overtime and keeping temperatures within reasonable levels.

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