5 Best Ways How to Air Dry Curly Hair

Curly hair are natural beauty gifted by God. Curly hairs don’t need many tools for styling. They need only some tips and techniques to enhance their natural beauty and style. You can enhance the original beauty and style with air dry using some techniques. You need to know how to air dry curly hair. Here we will teach you to dry three types of curly hair like waves and curls.
How to Air Dry Curly hair
Usually air dry ends up with frizzy and unmanageable curls. If you do air drying in a right way then it could prove a complete styling procedure. To give your curls a professional look you need to know How to dry curly hair
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Curly hair are on the sensitive side when it comes to drying them. Because curls come with frizz and unmanageable hairs that tend to go here and there. So we need to pick the method and tricks and that come with the frizz controlling factors. Curly hairs need to be conditioned deeply so avoid frizz.
How to Air-Dry Waves
Women with wavy or almost wavy hair type often have to undergo straightening on daily basis. But you don’t know that you could look more beautiful and stunning with your natural waves. And you don’t need to the straighten hair. These natural waves add an element of beauty and confidence in your personality. These waves need to be managed properly to enhance their beauty. You can look stunning in your natural hair style with just air dry. But if you have learned how to air dry wavy hair type.
Step one
Wash your hair with regular shampoo and condition them deeply for a few minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water. Detangle your wavy hair during shower using your fingers. Avoid combing as it breaks them apart and turns your hair into stringy waves.
Step two
Step three
The next step may look like an irony but this works. It is a trick that is going to secure your wave pattern and reduce frizz. You will be able to get professional results using this technique. Lay a microfiber towel on a flat surface like a bed or a table. You can use a T-shirt in place of microfiber towel. Put your hair in the center of towel and wrap your hair in the towel by twisting it. This will help to squeeze the excess amount of water and define the wave pattern. Leave the hair tied in this towel or T-shirt for a few hours. You can leave it overnight to get more satisfying results.
Step four
The final step is to untie hair from the towel. Let your curls rock with a defined pattern and shining looks. You can spray any hair spray to set the curls at their place. This will help to reduce frizz and add more shine. Your hairs are still damp but let them dry in the natural environment.
How to Air Dry Curls
To achieve well defined less frizzy ringlets without any electrical tool is like a dream. A diffuser attachment helps to maintain the original shape. It also keeps the pattern of natural curls. But our dream is to achieve a salon-grade curly hairstyle with air drying. We won’t use any electrical tools and air dry the curls naturally.
Step one
Wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo. The shampoo having sulfate as an ingredient promotes frizz. And it ends up with frizzy and unmanageable hair. Cleanse with a mild shampoo and condition deeply.
Step two
After cleansing the hair apply some creamy conditioner on water soaking hair. The conditioning materials work only on the wet hair, not on the dry hair. Your hair soaks the cream with water and the results are satisfying. The curls need softening gel or foam to get more defined. Take out some amount of cream between your palms and rub them together. After that cup your curls with your fingers and apply the product with this method.
Step three
The final step is to lift your hair with some metal clips. This will add more volume to the roots and help to dry hair fast. Your beautiful frizz-free, manageable, and shaped ringlets are ready to make you shine.
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