
Can CBD Edibles Be Used as a Sleepy Aid?

Can CBD Edibles Be Used as a Sleepy Aid?

CBD edibles are a great way to deliver the numerous benefits associated with CBD. Many people are turned off by the strong earthy taste of CBD oil, gummies, and other edible infusions that provide users with relief without an unpleasant taste in their mouths.

Taking CBD for insomnia and other sleep conditions continue to be one of the most popular uses for CBD. This is because of CBD’s ability to increase the production of endocannabinoids. For many CBD users, gummies are their go-to-choice. They taste amazing and offer more absorption than other types of edibles.

CBD Gummies for Sleep

All humans possess an endocannabinoid system. This complex group of neurotransmitters and receptors is believed to be responsible for regulating bodily functions like mood, appetite, memory, pain, and the sleep-wake cycle.

When a CBD gummy or other product enters the bloodstream, it is believed that the production of endocannabinoids increases. Allowing the ECS to balance out bodily functions. Taking CBD sleep gummies once a day has shown to give users higher quality sleep if they are taken consistently over time.

CBD Melatonin Gummies

The latest trend in the CBD retail space is infused products. Companies create products that are a combination of CBD oil with melatonin or other natural ingredients that promote benefits. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the brain. Insufficient production can lead to sleeping disorders, especially with people who work during the night and sleep in the day.

CBD with melatonin is a common trend throughout the community. Many products other than gummies feature melatonin to promote better sleep such as CBD capsules.

How to Take CBD for Sleep?

Before deciding on what product you want to purchase, be sure to do some research. The CBD market is relatively unregulated, allowing companies to sell products that don’t have CBD without any consequences. At a bare minimum, check the company’s 3rd party lab tests for CBD potency.

If you are purchasing full spectrum gummies, also check the total cannabinoid percentage. These products are much more expensive than isolate (pure CBD) products.

About 30 minutes before bed, take your CBD gummies. Getting results the first night may not be possible, as CBD needs to build up in your system. Taking CBD gummies for sleep should be done every night. It is important to be consistent when using CBD. Only when CBD builds up in the ECS will there be noticeable benefits. This is why taking it every night before bed is key to getting better rest.

Recent Research on CBD and Sleep

While research on humans is limited for CBD, there are a few promising studies done on human patients. A study done in Colorado aimed to see if CBD had a positive effect on patients dealing with sleeping disorders or mental health conditions. After only one month of taking CBD every day, the patients who had trouble sleeping saw a 67% increase in their sleep score.

The researchers concluded that CBD could be used to help patients dealing with these issues, however, more double-blind clinical trials are required. While this study reviewed over 100 subjects over 3 months, it is not a large enough sample size or long enough period to definitively understand the effects.

To get to a point where doctors are prescribing CBD for sleep, we must more studies to resolve several issues including, the benefits of full-spectrum and dosing.

People all over the world are seeing results after taking CBD edibles as a sleep aid. To experience the same success remember to review the potency before purchasing and to take daily.

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