
Changing Behavior for Better Health

Healthcare Coverage

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

There may be behaviors that you are exhibiting in your life that are not good for your health. If this is the case, you might want to change these traits. Here’s a look at 7 behaviors you may need to change in order to improve your health.  

Behaviors to Consider Changing

When it comes to changing certain aspects of how you act, some may call for a big change and others might need minor adjustments.

For more details about behavior and how to change it, look at this website for articles and tips.

  1. Your Diet. One part of your behavior that you likely want to make changes with is your diet. There may be times when you want to eat better, and you don’t know what should be done. You must remember when you are trying to clean up your diet to make gradual changes, instead of large ones. This may allow you to be able to keep up with the modifications better. For instance, if you would like to learn how to cook healthier meals, start by adding more vegetables to your favorite dishes, and then find additional meals to enjoy.
  2. Your Sleeping Schedule. You should be getting around 7 hours of sleep each night. When you sleep less or more than this, it could cause health issues and lead to you being unable to make the best decisions. To ensure that you are able to sleep for the proper number of hours, try to go to sleep at the same time each night.
  3. Your Exercise Routine. Do you exercise regularly? If you do, this is something you should continue to do. On the other hand, if you do not, you may want to start. You can begin by working out 3 times a week for 30 minutes, with a goal of increasing this to 5 times a week once you get stronger. Ask a friend to work out with you, so you can stay accountable and have a better chance of sticking with this schedule.
  4. How Often You Relax. Chances are you have a lot to do on any given day. This could cause you to have stress or anxiety upon occasion. However, it is important to relax once you are feeling overwhelmed or like you may face burnout. Take a few minutes to yourself when you feel like you are becoming frazzled and need a break. Doing this could help you get your thoughts in order and give you a chance to calm down.
  5. How Often You Go to The Doctor. It is necessary to get checked out by your doctor regularly as well. If you don’t remember the last time you visited your physician, you should schedule an appointment. When you meet with them, they can give you a clean bill of health, which gives you less to worry about. If there is an issue with your health, you can talk about your options.
  6. The Amount of Alcohol You Drink. You must take note of how much you drink on a given day or during the span of a week. If you find that you need alcohol to go to sleep or to socialize, this may be something to seek counseling for. On the other hand, if you simply didn’t realize you were drinking more than you are comfortable with, you can simply do your best to drink less. This could lower your stress levels and help you sleep better overall.
  7. The Frequency You Hang Out With Friends. Spending time with friends and loved ones can improve your mood and may make you feel better. This is not possible when you aren’t keeping up with your friends or you are isolating yourself. Anytime you think about a loved one, call them and see if you can meet up for dinner. This could provide you with a change of scenery and take your mind off of any problems that are bothering you.


When you are trying to improve your health, addressing the behaviors in this article are a good place to start. Even small changes in these areas could mean a difference in the way you feel. Keep at it and make sure you visit your doctor for more advice.

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