Collections: Weird Earrings

You’ve always felt like the oddball out. Hanging around people sometimes made you feel alone because no one understands your personality and style.
It’s not a trend. It’s who you are, and you like what you like.
If you’ve ever been curious about which earrings could best express your uniqueness, here’s a list of weird earrings to check out. To hell with normal earrings, let’s start a whole collection of weird crazy earrings!
Extraterrestrial Earrings
There’s nothing wrong with normal earring charms but, what is the fun in getting earrings that everyone has?
Instead, you can get cool weird earrings with weird earring charms like UFOs and alien cows, or both in one. Better yet, get the glow-in-the-dark ones. Why not? They exist.
Sword Earrings
Are you ready to get even weirder? Have you been crying to get a pair of dagger earrings for the longest time?
These silver sword earrings may be exactly what you’re looking for.
They come in quantities of one because having a pair of crazy weird earrings can get boring real fast. Let it be a statement piece. Let people stare.
These sword earrings have a bit of weight to them, but they’re not hard to wear. They’re the right size and weight to sport on an everyday occasion.
DIY Weird Earrings
You don’t have to be a jewelry maker to make a pair of cute weird earrings for yourself.
Do you have a couple of large paper clips lying around? Or, any size paper clips for that matter? Great! You can create a pair of DIY paper clip earrings in five minutes, tops.
What’s your favorite color?
Grab your favorite colored paint and dip the paper clips so that the paint covers all surfaces. You can also spraypaint the paper clips if you want a thinner layer of paint on the earring.
While you let the paint dry, grab your pliers and earring-making kit.
A pair of Shepard’s hook ear wires will pair well with these large paper clips.
Attachment Methods
To attach the paper clips, you have a few options.
You can use a hot glue gun and dab a bit of hot glue on the bottom of the Shepard’s hook ear wire loop and the middle of one end of the paper clip. Attach them and let them dry.
Or, you could feed the paperclip through the Shepard’s hook ear wire loop as if you were putting a key on a keychain. This method allows the paper clip earrings to swing around more; it’s not as stiff as gluing it.
Voila! You’ve created your own pair of DIY weird earrings! They’re also the exact color you want them!
Spice Your Earrings Up
Life’s too short to conform to the norm–not that you do this anyways. It’s time to ditch those normal hoops and normal stud earrings and trade them in for cute weird earrings.
Let the entire world know exactly who you are in everything that you wear.
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Passionate Writer, Blogger and Amazon Affiliate Expert since 2014.