Common Causes of Motorbike Accidents in Florida

Although safety equipment for motorcycles has improved in recent years, the likelihood of a rider being seriously injured in an accident remains high.
In fact, motorcyclists are more likely to be injured or die in a collision than any other vehicle.
No matter how responsible you are in the saddle, being drunk, distracted, or negligent as a driver can be enough to cause a tragic wreck. Fortunately, there are countless ways to reduce risk and learn how to avoid a motorcycle accident in South Florida.
If you have been injured in motorbike accidents or lost a loved one, there is a strategic approach you can adopt to get the help you need.
Here’s everything you need to know.
Impaired Driving
Impaired driving is one of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in Fort Lauderdale, and statistics show that motorcycles are disproportionately involved in drunk driving.
In fact, more than half of all riders who die in a motorcycle accident have a BAC of 0.08 percent or more. Motorcycles account for about a third of all car accidents in the city.
According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motorcycle Safety, more than half of all motorcycle accidents in Fort Lauderdale are caused by a driver with a BAC of 0.08 percent or more.
Rules of the Road
Riders should be aware of this fact and strive to remain visible, and if a motorcycle is smaller than a car, it should not take a back seat.
It’s tempting to get caught up in the Florida heat, but it’s incredibly risky because other drivers don’t expect drivers to drive faster than the traffic flow.
Track clearance is the practice of dual lanes to avoid congestion, and while it is tempting, it can be incredibly risky if the other driver does not expect the driver to drive faster in the traffic flow.
Motorcycles are less stable than cars because of their two-wheeled structure, and potholes, slippery surfaces, and uneven roads can be fatal for cyclists. To reduce the risk, you should follow known routes, avoid night trips, drive in adverse weather conditions and avoid night trips.
Cell Phone Use
Another key cause of motorcycle accidents in Flordia is the use of cell phones whilst driving around the streets of Flordia.
Cell phones are dangerous because they are a distraction. Laws now forbid you from using a cellphone on a motorcycle or in a car. This is because evidence suggests cell phones are incredibly addictive. The Ladan Law Firm is a top criminal defense attorney orlando fl that you can trust to represent you
It’s very easy to become engaged in our favorite movies, a clip from YouTube, or a call on our cell phones. Social media is also highly addictive, and you may find yourself getting distracted if you have notifications turned on, even if your phone is in sleep mode or in your tray.
How to Stop Looking at Your Phone
Keep your phone in your bag turned off or on airplane mode. If you wear your backpack on the back of a motorcycle, then you will still feel your cell phone vibrate every time you get a notification or a call. This can be a distraction and cause road accidents. You can still be tempted to answer it.
If you feel the phone call is urgent, pull over in a quiet lane. Only when there are no other cars or motorcycles on the road should you answer your phone.
There’s a new tendency lately to engage in audio-only experiences. This is thanks to the rise in wireless earbuds like Apple’s Earpods. A new app called Clubhouse lets users chat with each other in rooms. You can also listen to music and audiobooks.
Whilst this revolution is great, it is incompatible with riding a motorcycle as this type of media can still distract you. You need to be aware of the sounds as well as the sights around you when you drive.
If you happen to lose an AirPod whilst driving, this will be expensive. You might also be tempted to look around the road to look for it, taking your eyes off the other cars. Your AirPods and headphones should instead remain in your backpack, secured until you arrive at your destination.
If you’ve been injured in a motorbike accident, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, damages, medical costs, and other damages.
Penalties may also be due, depending on the circumstances, such as fines or redress for damage to your property. Be sure to continue reading if you want to know more about what you are entitled to.
The vast majority of motorcycle accidents are completely preventable, but some accidents happen when a driver tries to overtake another car.
Motorcyclists should approach intersections when they have priority and never attempt to overtake another vehicle when approaching an intersection. The most common cause of a motorcycle accident in Fort Lauderdale is turning left – that is, turning right – and turning into a one-way street.
Motorbike Accidents Can Be Avoided If You Are Careful
If you want to avoid motorbike accidents, then be careful and mindful. Don’t look at your cell phone whilst driving. Instead, keep it in your backpack with notifications off until you reach your next destination.
Don’t drink and drive, as this can impair your driving skills. And be mindful of other drivers on the road. If you don’t like a driver’s driving, then move to one side or slow down to avoid them.
Know the rules of the road for Florida and follow them. Also, remember that you can claim compensation if the accident wasn’t your fault.
If you are interested in learning more about motorbike accidents, be sure to check out the rest of our site.