Everything You Need To Know With Charging Your Electric Car At Home

As electric vehicles are becoming more common, many new owners are faced with the dilemma of keeping their cars charged no matter where they are. Here are a few of the most common questions about charging your EV at home.
Do You Need A Charging Station?
Truthfully, you don’t technically need an EV charging station at home. However, it will be the most convenient option for most people.
Charging an EV with a standard home outlet is a slow process. You’ll only replenish a few miles of driving range per hour of charging, so this is only really an option for individuals who either do not commute for work or have access to a public charging station. Everyone else will want to have a dedicated EV charger at home.
How Often Should You Charge?
How often you must charge your EV will depend on a few factors. The first is how far you drive. A battery can only hold so much power, meaning you are limited on how far you can travel with a full charge.
Another thing that affects charging frequency is the type of charger you use. A standard household outlet will only give you a few miles per hour of charge, so you’ll need to plug in frequently for even the shortest trips. It’s usually better to invest in a Lectron battery charging cable to replenish your battery more quickly.
Can You Use Solar To Charge a Vehicle?
There’s a good chance that reducing emissions played into your decision to purchase electric cars for sale in san diego, so it is only natural to wonder about using a solar panel to charge that car at home. Unfortunately, there is not really a straightforward answer to this question since so many variables can affect how well your EV charges on solar power. However, if you use solar to power your home, then you may be able to connect an EV charging station to your existing setup.
How Do You Know Which Cord To Use?
Your vehicle probably came with a special cord designed to maximize charging capabilities. However, there are plenty of reasons to buy an additional one. For example, keeping a charging station set up and ready to plug in is more convenient than dragging a cord out whenever you want to charge.
Cord Length
If you are planning to only charge at home, you know exactly how long of a cord you’ll need. However, there is a good chance you’ll need to plug in at another station somewhere down the road. Avoid problems by purchasing a Lectron battery charging cable that is long enough to accommodate various charging situations.
Outlet Configuration
If you have ever looked at the plugs for major home appliances, you may have noticed that they can be quite different. Prong configurations vary based on the appliance’s power needs, such as 30 or 50 amps. EV charging stations have similar arrangements. To avoid running into a problem with different setups, you should look for a cord or adapters that accommodate a range of situations.
Knowing the best ways to charge your electric vehicle at home takes some of the guesswork out of owning one. Be sure to invest in the appropriate cords and a charging station to get a good charge in the least amount of time.
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