Noisy Construction Projects: How Loud Is a Roof Replacement?
Are you nervous about pursuing roof replacement? If the thought of noisy construction projects gives you a headache, know that there is good news. With the right roofing material and the best workers, getting a new roof can be a painless experience.
Keep reading to learn how loud roof replacement could be!
Consider Roofing Materials First
If you’re hoping to avoid noisy new roofs, the right roof material will make things bearable. In other words, it’s worth taking the time to research your options. From slate to wood, you’ll want to find a choice that matches your home — and stays quiet!
For instance, standard asphalt shingles probably won’t be as loud as a new metal roof. There’s also a good chance a metal roof will be louder during a summer thunderstorm. Work with your contractor to arrive at a good solution.
Find the Right Team to Avoid Noisy Construction
When it comes to getting a new roof, good contractors are key. You want to ensure that you hire a team that is licensed and insured. There is, of course, the risk of injuries when working at such heights.
By going with a reputable contractor from, you’ll experience a more efficient installation. A shorter roof replacement timeframe means you won’t have to deal with noise for as long. An experienced contractor may have a larger crew to knock out the job.
Get Your Home Ready for Roof Replacement
You can be proactive about reducing the loudness of a roof replacement. One good tip is to take down pictures and other heavy items from shelves. There’s a chance that the vibrations from the installation could cause those items to fall.
And if you have pets, consider sending them to a friend’s home during the roof replacement. They may be scared due to the constant noise. That could translate to whining, howling, and other noises that will only make the volume louder.
Make Plans for an Excursion
You may need to deal with the loudness of a roof replacement for a few days. While this may sound like a nuisance, it doesn’t have to be one.
Grab your calendar and plan an excursion for that timeframe! There’s no better time to head out for a picnic or hike. Plus you won’t be a distraction to the roofers when you enter and exit the house.
When you plan for a new roof, it won’t be as disruptive. Try to schedule a replacement well in advance so you can take advantage of a nice summer day. You’ll enjoy the chance to be outdoors with your family and then come home to a nice new roof.
Get the New Roof You Need
Noisy construction comes with the territory when you’re dealing with a roof replacement. But it doesn’t have to disrupt your life! If you hire an efficient team and make plans to be out of your house, you’ll be able to handle the experience.
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