How to Get the Most From Your Disability Insurance Claim
Did you know that 61 million Americans live with some form of disability?
If your recent disability has affected your work, you may be entitled to a social security disability claim. But how do you get the maximum amount of benefits from your disability insurance claim? If you want to learn the answer to this question, you’re in the right place.
In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips for getting the most out of your claim. That way, you can get the money you need when you can’t work because of an illness or injury.
Let’s get started!
Make Sure You Qualify Before Applying
Before you get started with your claim, you first need to make sure that you qualify. Ideally, at this point, you will have been out of work for five months or more before applying for social security disability insurance.
Your doctor must also diagnose you with one of the types of disabilities that lasts at least twelve continuous months. And, your disability should prevent you from working forty hours each week.
Finally, you must have at least forty social security work credits. In addition, you should’ve paid FICA taxes for five to ten years.
You Can Apply for Your Spouse’s Payments
It should come as no surprise that many spouses also qualify for disability insurance claims. However, it’s not as widely known that this also applies even if you’re divorced or widowed.
For example, let’s say your spouse had benefits, but then divorced you. As long as your marriage lasted at least ten years, then you still qualify for the benefits.
The same goes if your partner passed away. In that case, any social security disability payments, are then passed on to you, the survivor.
Hire a Disability Attorney
Sadly, even if you qualify for social security disability benefits there’s no guarantee that you’ll get them. That’s why you must hire a disability attorney to help you.
These professionals maximize your chances of receiving benefits. They do this by helping you with your social security disability application. In return, you pay them a percentage of the benefits if they help you win them.
Check out this link if you want to learn more about what a good disability attorney charges.
That’s How to Get Your Disability Insurance Claim
We hope this article helped you learn how to get the most from your disability insurance claim. As you can see, maximizing your benefits on your own can be difficult. We highly recommend hiring a professional if you’re serious about obtaining SSDI.
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