
How to prevent dry skin in winter naturally-6 Experts Tips

How to prevent dry skin in winter naturally-6 Experts Tips

Everyone knows that skin is sensitive to weather, especially when the season changes; it is largely affected. So, natural medicines are used to avoid skin damage with the change of season. The nature and characteristics of these medicines depend on the skin change, i.e., drier in winter and oily in summer, but the situation can be opposite.

In winter, due to cold air and harsh winter, low-level humidity in the air and dry indoor heat destroy the moisturization present in the skin. By this, not only the facial skin is affected, but also hands, feet, and other areas that are exposed to these elements are affected.

Common symptoms of dry skin

Some of the common dry skin symptoms in winter are given below, so that you should know them and take steps earlier to prevent them.

The dry skin symptoms are flakiness, itchiness, irritated skin, cracks in the skin, burning of the skin.

There are natural medicines and many natural methods and tips that are helpful to keep your skin looking normal and radiant in winter.There are also many natural products that are available in pharmacies which you can buy from nearby pharmacies or order from online pharmacy. Expert six tips are described below to prevent dry skin in winter naturally.

1.     Olive oil

Olive oil acts like a natural cleanser and moisturiser. You can simply rub the olive into your skin to prevent dry skin in winter.

2.     Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural formula that is good to prevent dry skin. Coconut oil should be applied before bedtime. The reason behind this is that it acts like a solid at room temperature. Therefore, it is used as a moisturising cream.

3.     Homemade Oatmeal honey mask

Oatmeal can be used as a soothing and hydrating mask. It is also used to exfoliate the skin. Make a mixture of honey and two tablespoons of oats to make its mask. Also, add a dash of water. After washing your face, apply it on your face and leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes.

4.     Use of natural olive oil and sugar scrub

The combination of natural olive oil and sugar scrub keeps the skin moisturized, preventing dry skin in winter. To make it, mix half a cup of sugar and two tablespoons of natural olive oil. To promote relaxation and add fragrance, you can add lavender oil.

After that, gently rub the ready scrub into your face. After 15 to 20 minutes wash it off and use a moisturising lotion or cream to lock the benefits of olive and sugar scrub in the exfoliated skin.

5.     Use of milk compresses.

Milk includes natural inflammatory properties. The reason is that it contains lactic acid. Use the milk compresses for seven to ten minutes at a time. Its use is beneficial for irritated and itchy skin in winter.

6.     Use of moisturising lotion

Expert advice that whenever you wash your hands, feet, face, or take a bath, you should use moisturiser to keep your body moisturised. Also, while travelling, keep a travel-size moisturiser with you, and any time if you wash your hand, face, or feet, apply the moisturiser.

Some of the best moisturisers that help to prevent dry skin in winter are the following.

  • CeraVe daily moisturising lotion, which contains ceramides and hyaluronic acid. These elements are essential to keep the skin hydrated and moisturised.
  • Nivea soft moisturising crème is used for the body and hands and includes vitamin E and jojoba oil.


In this article, you can find the experts’ 6 best natural ways to protect your skin in winter from being dried and irritated. You can also consult your doctor for the best medical guide.

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