Pratical Suggestions to Maintain a Diesel Car
Less fuel-intensive, Diesel engines however require more maintenance than their gasoline counterparts. In this article we will discuss some tips to maintain a diesel car effectively. We would like to share a high-quality stuff for diesel cars, DEF Doser, that you can buy if your car mechanic recommends it.
How to maintain your diesel engine?
To make your diesel engine sustainable, there are some best practices you should adopt. For this, several operations are necessary, including:
Monitor the condition of your diesel tank
To take care of the tank, you need to put quality fuel. In fact, premium quality diesel fuel gives the engine more efficiency and limits deposits of impurities. It is quite expensive at the pump, but it helps to extend the life of the diesel unit. As a precaution, avoid driving with an almost empty fuel tank. During summer, heat causes condensation. And there may be a mixture of water and diesel, which subsequently leads to corrosion of the pump and injectors. It is then necessary to always fill the tank, as soon as the gauge is at half or at the last third.
Just ten years ago, the Diesel was in top form, and had a lot of supporters, whether they were heavy rollers or not. The Dieselgate has been there, and even if it is criticized today, the Diesel engine is known to be more torquey and less fuel-intensive. On the other hand, it requires regular maintenance in order to preserve it and reduce its clogging .
Never Avoid maintenance
More fragile, diesel engines require scrupulous maintenance to ensure their longevity. As with any engine, oil change is an essential operation which must be carried out on a regular basis: it is recommended to do it every 15,000 km, in order to replace the used oil which gradually loses its lubricating properties. The opportunity also to replace the various filters: air, oil and diesel, to give it a second youth.
Never Use Poor Quality Fuel
If it is tempting to opt for the cheapest fuel possible, to preserve your engine in the long term, it is recommended to use a premium diesel. The price difference is justified by the presence of fuel additives, which have detergent effects and act against corrosion and oxidation on the most sensitive parts of the engine, such as the injectors. To do the big cleaning, the additives to pour yourself into your fuel tank, also called engine cleaners, are not necessarily the ideal solution: prefer descaling at a professional for deep and risk-free cleaning .
Never Drive Brutally
To take care of your engine in the long term, it is first of all recommended to respect the heating time of your mechanics: wait for the engine to heat up, with an optimal temperature around 90 °, before going up in the towers . Drive your diesel engine smoothly, favoring eco-driving over its optimal operating range, and avoid driving under revs.
Don’t use a Diesel Car in a City
The city is surely the enemy n ° 1 of Diesel: used at low speed and on short journeys, the engine and its components: turbo, EGR valve, particulate filter and injectors, clog up and eventually show signs of weakness. Do not hesitate to take your Diesel car out of town at least once a week, driving on the motorway in order to “clean up” your mechanics, and to trigger a DPF regeneration cycle if your model has one.