54 Professionally and Funny Ways To Say NO Politely
Saying no is your right. If you don’t like anything, say no to it. It is your year of saying no to the things that are not important to you anymore. Assaying no is always tricky, but do you know how to reject someone? Here are some ways to say no or deny the things that you don’t like.
Best Funny Ways to Say No
1) No way.
You can say this to someone you directly want to say no. This word shows that you are not at all interested. But saying no in this way is also not rude.
2) Na Na.
‘NA NA’ is used when you don’t want to hurt the other person, but you are also not willing to do work. Say Na Na to make your no looks funny and different:
3) Never gonna happen.
You can say this to tell others that whatever they are thinking is not going to happen. And you funnily say ‘no’ so that they won’t get hurt.
4) No, are you kidding?
You can say this to make sure that the other person is serious and not joking with you. Assuming this is funny tone seems sweet and cute:
5) Nope
Nope is another fun way to say no. You can say this to make the situation cool down also if you don’t want to hurt anyone by saying typical no.
Do You Know How to Apology To People?
6) No please, thank you so much.
You can say no please to anyone and add thank you for telling others that you are thankful for their thought and help. But you don’t want them to do it.
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7) This is really not going to happen.
Saying no to people directly sometimes seems offending to them. You can say no indirectly by telling them that you are not going to let the matter happen because you don’t like it.
8) No love, I will do it.
When you want to say no to someone, but you cannot say a direct no. Just say that you will do it on your own. Or you don’t need their help. This is another way saying no to people.
Different Ways To Refuse your boss?
9) I am afraid I can’t.
Don’t say a direct no to your boss. This may affect your job and your designation too. You can say this to your boss when he asks you to do some work, but that work is not related to your job. Just say that you can’t do the work by adding words like I am afraid I can’t or say sorry instead.
10) No sir, thank you.
You can say this to your boss when he asks you for a lunch or any indulgence. In courtesy, you can say no but also say thank you for showing your ethics and politeness to him. This can keep your boss calm and cool.
11) I can’t do it, sir.
You can say this to your boss to say no to the extra burden he is trying to put on your shoulders. Simply say that you can do it. This shows that you don’t want to do extra work and don’t look rude.
How to say no at work?
12) This is not my job to do.
You can say this to the work that is irrelevant to your post. As you are not hired for it so, you are not supposed to do it. Just simply say that this is not your job to do. This shows your least interest in work.
13) Sorry dear, not today.
You can say this to make things look calm and smooth. This is the modest way of saying no to work. Just say that you can’t do it today. This shows that you are saying no because you are probably busy with some other work.
16) Sorry, I am a little busy.
You can say this to work given to you at the time when you are busy doing some other more important thing. Just tell the other person that you are bust right now, and you cannot do it.
Say no politely in business
17) Can we skip this?
While making a deal in business, you can say this if you don’t like any point. You can simply say that you want to skip this part and want to move forward to the next step. If you just say ‘can we skip this’ that becomes the polite and professional way to say no or to refuse someone.
18) I can’t afford it, sorry.
You can say this if you are facing financial problems in business. Or if you can’t afford some big tender. Tell the other person that you can afford it.
19) I am not into it anymore.
You can say this if you change your mind and you want to start some other business or want to do some other work.
How to say no to a job offer?
21) No, I am already working.
Telling other people that you are doing a job, or you are already working is not rude at all. This is one of the political ways of saying no to a job offer. This also shows your commitment to your current job.
22) No, I am from a different field.
You can say this if someone offers you a job that is not of your own field. Just clear them that you are from a different field.
23) You must hire someone else.
Saying this shows that you want to say no to the job offer.
24) I can’t, but thanks for your consideration.
You can this to say no in a polite way to someone who offered you a job.
Ways to say no politely to a friend
25) I am sorry I can’t come today.
You can say this to your friend if she/he invites you to some dinner or lunch. Telling them that you are sorry about it shows your ethics.
26) Sorry love, I have lots of work to do.
You can say this if you got a busy schedule ahead and you must do lots of work. Just say them sorry. Adding love can show your love for them.
27) I am not available today.
Saying this shows that you have got some busy days nowadays, so you are rearranging your schedule with your friend.
28) No love.
This is the simplest way of saying no to your friend in any condition. Adding love shows your emotions for her.
29) Many congratulations, dear, but I can’t come.
If your friend invites you to some party or to any function, just say congratulations to her and but tell her that you can’t come by saying this.
30) I’ll think about it, can’t say yes.
If you don’t want to say direst just tell them that you will think about it but can’t say a confirm yes. This shows your chances of saying no.
31) Sorry pall it’s a no.
This is how you can say no to a friend in a polite way — calling them pall or friend or buddy dhows your respect for them.
Say no to a family
32) No, mum, please, I am tired.
You can say this if your mother asks you to go out with them, but you don’t want to go because you feel tired. It is the politest way to say no to the family.
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33) It’s a clear no from my side.
If you are discussing an important issue at home with your family and you don’t like the decision or planning, just say no to them in a clear voice.
34) I am not going today.
You can say this if you don’t want to go out. This shows that you have not interested in his planning. It is one of the best polite ways to say no.
How to say no book?
35) This book is good, but not of my type.
Everyone has their own choice of reading books. If you think that the book is not of your type, just tell the other person that this can be a good book but not of your type to read.
36) Sorry but this book is crap.
If you read the review of the book, you come to know about the story. If you don’t like the storyline, just tell them that it is not a good book to read.
37) I can’t afford this book.
You can say this if you can’t afford the book price because of your financial crises. This shows that you are saying no. this can be one of the excuses for no book. These types of indirect ways to say no are polite and professional.
38) Oh sorry, I don’t like this genre.
You can this if you don’t like the genre of the book and not interested in buying it.
How to say no gifts, please?
39) No, thank you, a gift is not necessary.
You can say this to avoid receiving gifts from people at the party. Just tell them that gifts are necessary to bring with them.
40) What you did is more than a gift for me.
You can say this to someone who made your day with their presence. This shows your love for the other person. This also shows that you didn’t need any gift, but you only wanted them to be with you.
41) You remembered the day, that’s enough.
People send you gifts on birthdays and anniversaries. You can say to gifts by telling them that gift is not necessary, but they are more important to you.
42) Please, no gifts needed.
If you invited people to your home and sent them an invitation card, do write you don’t need gifts on the card so that people won’t buy them.
43) Your presence would be enough.
Tell the other person that they are more important to you than gifts. So, only their presence necessary at the party and you are interested in gifts but them.
Ways To Say Refuse For Date
Here is the best collection of saying no to date. These ideas are straight forward and produce clear meaning without hearting someone.
44) Sorry, I can’t come.
If someone offers you a date, but you don’t want to go just tell them, you can’t come or tell them that you have already arranged your own schedule.
45) Can we skip this date thingy?
If you think that someone is being cheesy with you and asking you out for a date, but you don’t want to go. Ask them to skip it because you don’t want it.
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46) I like someone else.
You can say this to someone who asked you out for a date, but you don’t want to go because you like someone else. Be clear with them.
47) Not now.
This shows that you are least interested in date thingy and you don’t want to go out with them.
48) I am engaged.
You can this if you are engaged to someone else and don’t want to go out on a date.
Different Ways To Refuse for Food.
Here are some best ideas to say no to food. You can use these ideas when someone offering you food and you don’t want to eat.
49) Thanks, I am full.
Saying ‘I am full’ means that you don’t want to eat more. If someone offers your food just tell them that you already ate much.
50) I just had lunch.
You can say this to avoid lunch with people you don’t like. Or if you don’t like the company of someone and they ask you out for a dine just tell them that you just had it. It is the most professional way to say no to food.
51) No please, I’ll puke.
You can say this to someone who offered you food, but you already had it, and you are full enough that you will puke. This is the easiest way of saying no to food.
How to say no to be a bridesmaid
52) Can you ask someone else for this?
You can this to the girl if you are not interested in being her bridesmaid. This can show your level of interest in becoming a bridesmaid.
53) I will help you with other things.
If you don’t want to say direct no just tell her that you want to help her in other things. This shows that you are indirectly saying no to her. It is one of the good indirect ways to say no or refuse someone.
54) Sorry, but I am shy.
You can say this if you feel shy about being in the spotlight. Just tell her you are shy, and you can’t do it. This won’t break her heart.
Passionate Writer, Blogger and Amazon Affiliate Expert since 2014.