Securing a Fair Settlement of Your Personal Injury Claim
The parties in a personal injury case can reach an agreement to resolve the case through a settlement. The settlement represents the amount of money that an insurance company pays to the claimant to resolve the claim without filing a lawsuit. Such financial compensation will cover different costs associated with the injury of the claimant. These costs can include medical bills, lost income because of time away from work, and pain and suffering.
However, not all personal injury cases can end in settlements. Back-and-forth negotiations between both parties can happen before a settlement can be reached. If you have an unpaid injury claim, turn to RSH Legal – Iowa Personal Injury Lawyers for help with negotiations and evidence collection.
Compiling Evidence for Your Claim
To prepare for an injury claim, you must collect related evidence. You must keep a record of everything associated with the accident and your injury including photos of the accident scene, witness statement, and medical records that detail your injury’s nature and extent. Also, receipts of medical bills, documents that show missed work and the earnings lots, and a journal that documents your everyday pain levels can help build a strong case.
Calculating Your Damages
To get a reasonable settlement, you must understand the value of your claim. This includes calculating the costs and damages related to your injury. Typically, damages are categorized into economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are out-of-pocket expenses such as lost wages and medical bills. Meanwhile, non-economic damages are intangible costs like pain, emotional distress, and suffering. While non-economic costs do not have a specific dollar value, your attorney can use formulas to calculate them.
Communicating with Insurers
When you communicate with an insurance provider, you should maintain clarity and precision. Correspondences must be in writing. Always stick to the basics and facts of the accident and your injury. Only share the important details that support your claim. Make sure not to admit fault during such talks. Also, do not rush into a settlement. Although a quick settlement is tempting, you must make sure the final compensation will include all injury-related expenses.
Insurers usually employ some tactics to minimize their payouts in settlements. They may question the seriousness of your personal injury to cast doubt on your claimed medical expenses. Also, they may argue that a pre-existing injury is to blame for your injury. A skilled personal injury attorney can counter all these tactics and make sure an insurer cannot take advantage of your situation.