Some Key Trends in Digital Technology for Businesses
As companies (and their customers) continue to embrace digital technologies, they must stay abreast of state-of-the-art tech solutions. Industry trends change quickly and falling behind just a little bit can impact the bottom line. Both large and small companies have a stake in utilizing the most innovative advancements as these tools prove themselves. The following digital enhancements show promise for a wide spectrum of companies.
The Mastery of SRE Fundamentals
Site Reliability Engineering has come a long way and IT wizards now have the tools to accurately measure the performance of computer systems that interface with customers. Each company should have a known service-level objective that determines its goals for keeping a system up and running. The company should also claim a standard for a service-level agreement that does not exceed the SLO. The careful coordination of SLO vs SLA is a key factor when it comes to maximizing SRE. An understanding of this issue will prevent legal problems coming from customers and clients that demand a high level of performance when using digital platforms.
The Continued Migration to the Cloud
As data requirements increase for businesses and the necessity of storing critical data safely becomes more important, the migration of data to the cloud will accelerate. Cloud technologies will only grow more prevalent in the foreseeable future. It is a trend that shows no signs of abating, mostly because it promises many advantages: better security, lower expenses, improved accessibility and enhanced opportunities for outsourcing. While challenges remain for those providing cloud services, the smart money is on better solutions arriving regularly, strengthening the allure of this strategy.
The Promise of Automation
Technology has become ever more adept at automating a multitude of functions once performed by workers. This trend, in one form or another, has continued for decades, but new technologies continue to find novel ways to use automation. This process is already showing the following benefits for companies ranging from retail to manufacturing to service fields:
- Increasing productivity
- Lowering costs
- Improving customer experience
- Increasing employee satisfaction
Surveys show more and more business leaders are attracted to automation and see it as a worthwhile place to invest resources. Still, business owners and managers must make an effort to choose the right business tools and software programs that support their business model.
The Need for Enhanced Security
Nearly every consumer and every business entity have experienced uncomfortable instances of digital crime. Whether successful or not, digital scams pervade life in the 2020s. They become more sophisticated and gone are the good old days when scams contained abundant clues as to their devious intentions. The number of cyberattacks each year exceeds hundreds of millions, with these cyber dangers among the most common:
- Automotive hacking
- AI scams
- Data breaches
- Mobile device scams
- Targeted ransomware
Companies must also be on the lookout for insider threats to computer systems. Sometimes this happens due to human error, and other times it can occur through intentional sabotage from a rogue employee. Evidence shows that a significant number of attacks on digital systems come from employees or contractors,
The Rise of Multi-Factor Authentication
While companies want to make the use of their systems convenient, they will still likely need to rely on MFA. An additional layer of protection can make a system much safer and this method often outweighs its inconvenience to users. By reducing unauthorized access, a company can have a greater level of confidence in its platforms. MFA is part of the automated process, making it affordable for companies to integrate into systems.
A robust MFA system makes it easier for companies to detect problems, allowing for a faster response time to threats. This reduces a company’s exposure to cyberattacks and increases the satisfaction of all users.
All companies today will require close attention to digital systems. The trends of today show how quickly things change and evolve. Businesses must remain current to thrive in this climate.
Passionate Writer, Blogger and Amazon Affiliate Expert since 2014.