Sweet Tea and More: Your Guide to Alternative Sweeteners

Your morning coffee or two can be a regular part of your routine without contributing to any negative health side effects. In fact, some studies show that coffee can improve your health if it’s taken in appropriate amounts.
That said, many of us dump unhealthy sweeteners and creams into our morning cups. Those things can add up over time and make your morning coffee something that harms you.
If you’re not a fan of black coffee, we’re going to discuss a few alternative sweeteners that you might like to try. Hopefully, the information below can steer you away from all of that sugar and toward something a little more welcoming to your body.
Let’s get started.
1. Honey
Honey is a classic sweetener, used in all kinds of drinks over the ages. While it’s true that honey has a decent sugar content, it’s not the processed mill sugar that we’re used to putting in coffee.
It also brings a unique flavor to your coffee without being too overbearing. You might find that the little touch of honey you get in the flavor lightens it up enough to help you enjoy the natural taste of the coffee.
Few people put honey into their coffee, but it’s a sweetener that people tend to enjoy and is worth a shot. You can incorporate different kinds of honey as sweeteners as well.
Natural honey might be a little more flavorful and bold than your average bear-shaped bottle.
2. Molasses Syrup
You might be surprised to find that molasses is actually a common sweetener in coffee. It brings a rich and thick presence to the drink that’s a warm welcome to those who are used to the thin, light flavor palette that sugared coffee offers.
You can pair syrup with darker roasts with bold flavors that sit heavier on the palette. Again, different syrups will offer unique additions to the coffee.
If you’re switching to syrup to get away from the health side effects of processed sugar, though, don’t go with your standard bottle of syrup from the grocery store. Try to find a natural syrup that doesn’t incorporate processed sugar as the big brands do.
In all likelihood, a standard bottle of big brand syrup will have a lot more processed sugar per serving than you were putting in your coffee before. Natural sugars are easier on the body and they still offer the additional perk.
3. Monk Fruit Sugar
Monk fruit sugar is one that you may not have heard of.
This product is a blend of pure monk fruit extract and natural erythritol that cuts out a lot of the adverse side effects of natural sugar. It’s an alternative that you can use to bake, cook, and sweeten.
It tastes similar to sugar, but it’s just a healthy version of what we’re all so used to putting into our bodies. It’s also keto-friendly, a great alternative for those with diabetes, paleo-friendly, and non-GMO.
So, if you’re someone that just prefers the taste of a good old cup of coffee with sugar, this might be the best option for you. There is something magical about coffee with sugar.
That said, try out some monk fruit sugar and compare it with the normal sugar you use in a blind taste testing. You might find that you can’t tell the difference at all, and that’s a sign that there might be a way to improve your health without changing the coffee you enjoy.
4. Stevia
Stevia is something that a lot of us imagine as an artificial sweetener. That said, it’s actually a natural extract from the stevia plant.
It comes from nature, it’s a lot sweeter than sugar, and it breaks down well into the coffee. That said it offers a different flavor than sugar does, and that flavor can stick around in the mouth a little longer than some people like.
If you’re in a pinch and need a healthy sweetener, though, stevia is almost always available in packets right next to the sugar packets. You might enjoy stevia in your morning cup of coffee, so try it out once or twice and see if it suits you.
Understand The Purpose of Sweetener
It’s interesting to note that the reason people use sweeteners in their coffee has a complex background.
In most places, for a long period of time, people just drank black coffee. It’s an acquired taste, sure, but it’s not one that’s so bold and awful as to require a significant amount of sweetener or cream.
Good coffee should come equipped with complex taste in accordance with the w way it was grown, the roast, and the region of the world that it’s from. After a few cups of good coffee, people start to notice that it tastes great unadulterated.
That said, most coffee that you get at the store isn’t considered “good.” It gets the job done, but it’s convoluted and low quality in a lot of cases. Many popular roasts are a combination of over-ripened beans that get roasted to oblivion to create a uniform taste.
That’s why many coffee brands are so cheap, while the others are a lot pricier than we’re used to. When the bean gets over-roasted and ground in advance, the flavor starts to become a little bitter and difficult to stomach.
That’s why we need creamer. That, and we’ve all gotten used to the sugary sweetness that creamer provides.
In those cases, though, the coffee becomes more of a treat than a daily pick-me-up. So, if you’re struggling with the health effects of coffee with sugar and creamer, try investing in yourself.
Buy a nice bag of coffee and roast it in a way that brings out the flavor. Do that for a couple of days and see if you don’t actually like natural coffee the way it comes from nature.
Want to Learn More About Alternative Sweeteners for Coffee?
There’s a wide world of alternative sweeteners for you to explore. Spice things up a little bit and incorporate a few of them into your morning routine. You might find that you like them.
If you’re curious to learn more, though, we’re here to help. Explore our site for more ideas on ways to sweeten your coffee, tea, and everything in between.