Ten Factors That Affect Water Heater’s Longevity

The water heater is a blessing in winters unless you want to shiver in the cold while showering or washing dishes with freezing water. Water heaters last up to 10-20 years, depending on quality. Maintenance of your water heater is necessary to prolong the time in replacement, contact the best water heater repair services in your area. Several factors affect the lifespan of the heater, by knowing these factors you can increase its longevity.
- Manufacturing Quality
A low-quality water heater cannot operate for a long time. Quality heaters can be a little expensive, but you get what you pay for. A trusted water heater repair company can recommend to you what water heater you should buy. High-quality models typically have a long lifespan and come with longer warranties.
- Improper Installation
Improper installation can develop problems in the early stages, even in high-quality water heaters. If you hire any random inexperienced technician, he will not consider factors like right placement, ventilation, and insulation.
This is one of the main reasons why you should always look to hire experienced professionals like the ones from heating repair Las Vegas.
Your water heater can be damaged before its actual lifespan. Proper installation highly affects the durability of the heater. Hiring a professional heater technician can save you from long-run costs of repairing.
- Negligence in Maintenance
Most people don’t consider their water heaters maintenance until they notice any problem. Water heaters are usually installed in basements which is the reason for neglected maintenance. For the increasing lifespan of your water heater, mark your calendar for periodic checkups to prevent any damage. Maintaining and cleaning the tank will prolong the heater’s service life.
If you ignore your water heater for a long time, leaks can generate and destroy it both internally and externally. You must hire water heater repair services, as soon as you notice any leakage or corrosion. So, the damage can be repaired at an early stage.
- Sediments Accumulation:
When hard water is heated in the water heater, the sediments settle down at the bottom of the tank. Sediments start covering the bottom to prevent the protection of anode. In gas water heaters, they cause overheating of the tank base and melt the protective glass wall. On the other hand, in electrical heaters, the lower elements of the tank get burned. If sediments build up too much, the warranty of the water heater can become invalid. If you want to avoid such trouble, get regular maintenance and clean the water heater twice a year to remove sediments. In case of excessive sedimentation, call a professional water heater repair company.
- Rusting
Maintenance of the anode is an important aspect, used for more than 50 years to protect the water heater from rusting. Anode protects the internal water heater from rusting, but over time it refuses to operate. If anode has been thinned to the wire, it is better to replace it to avoid internal rusting or leakages. A water softener can reduce the anode life, so if you have a water softener, it is necessary to check the anode every two years.
While purchasing a new water heater, prefer powered anode for adequate function of the water heater. Power anode is the best replacement for regular anodes, and it hardly needs replacement.
- Corrosiveness
Typical water heaters draw air in for combustion to operate. If there are any corrosive materials like ammonia, bleach, or any acid near the water heater, they can damage your water heater. If fumes of such corrosive materials are drawn into gas burners, the flame that will be generated will also be corrosive that will deteriorate the base. In such conditions, your only option would be a water heater repair.
- High Water Pressure
You may not be aware that high water pressure can damage your water heater and reduce its lifespan. If you have a measuring pressure gauge, you can measure the pressure of water. Advanced water heaters have a pressure gauge installed in them. If the pressure gauge shows measurement above 85 psi, it means water inserting pressure on your water heater, so you should get a pressure reducing valve or an extension tank to control water pressure. It will protect pipes against thermal expansion. If you don’t consider this issue now, you may end up replacing your water heater far before its service life limit.
- Faulty Size of Heater
Water heaters manufacturing companies make heaters according to their size and the number of people served from hot water. If you get a water heater of a smaller size than required, it will ultimately be damaged due to constant contraction and expansion of the tank. In his case, no water heater repair in the company, can help you. Keep in mind the adequate size of tank and heater while buying, or you can get help from professionals, they will suggest the right size.
- Damaged Heating Element
If you notice that your water heater is not working at all, most probably the issue can be damaged heating elements of your water heater. In such a situation, call a water heater repair company to repair and replace heating elements. Such damaged elements can be a reason for the short lifespan of the water heater.
- Usage
Like other appliances, a water heater also comes with a limited lifespan. Regular water heaters last up to 10-20 years, while tankless heaters can live up to more years. If your water heater is at the end of its service life, it is best to replace it.
Keeping these factors in mind, you can increase the service life of your water heater. But sometimes, even with proper care, damages can occur, call water heater repair services.
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