Top 3 Benefits of Creatine Supplements
Sports and fitness enthusiasts and aficionados have utilised creatine for decades as a health and performance booster. It is, in fact, one of the most well-researched supplements available in the market, and there is even more study and research underway. But what sets creatine apart from most performance and endurance supplements is its ability to build and promote physical and neurological well-being, thereby making it a perfect accompaniment for holistic health. Today, you can avail them in the form of creatine powder which is notably a hit among professionals and amateurs.
Creatine has plenty to offer. It also helps to boost your dopamine levels and improve your overall functions. These advantages are particularly noticeable in the elderly.
Additionally, creatine supplements offer the following health benefits to help you better understand its utility:
Aids the Growth and Strength Of Muscles: Creatine’s primary purpose as a supplement is to improve muscle mass and strength. It has been proven to be the most effective supplement on the market for this purpose. Long-term creatine supplementation helps muscle tissue development, strength, and performance by activating particular channels. Additionally, there is mounting evidence that creatine supplementation can help raise insulin-like growth factors. As we get older and lose muscle mass, this becomes increasingly essential. Because this insulin-like growth promotes the formation of lean tissues, maintaining consistent levels of creatine consumption as we age may help build and maintain lean muscle mass, which is the key to long-term health and vitality.
Safeguards Against Neurological Ailments: In recent years, considerable research has been carried out to determine the application of creatine in helping combat degenerative neurological conditions. Depleted phosphocreatine levels in the brain have been linked to neurological disorders. The findings of a credible, experiment-backed study suggested that creatine supplements could play a role in delaying and restricting neurological degeneration. In this animal study, mice with Huntington’s Disease and rats with Parkinson’s Disease were given a mixture of coenzyme and creatine. The study showed that combining the two supplements might have ample benefits.
Similarly, substantial research is underway to understand if creatine supplementation can help with Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, strokes, and muscular disorders.
Helps to Build Performance & Endurance: To efficiently perform short, swift and energy-consuming activities, such as running, squats, muscular movements, lifting and so on, your muscles rely on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is a result of your phosphogenic energy system. Creatine’s direct influence on ATP can help in performing better during brief, intensive exercises and tasks.
However, professional endurance athletes may not get the same benefits because of their individual discipline and dependency on their activities. On the other hand, creatine supplementation can significantly assist in muscular endurance and decreasing protein breakdown.
Summing Up:
Creatine supplements are loaded with a host of the benefits as mentioned above. The best part is that creatine supplements won’t burn a hole in your wallet too! You can opt for a suitable creatine powder to kickstart your fitness journey and match your health goals. And can choose from a wide range of flavours too. However, it is imperative to remember that guided and prescribed consumption can go a long way in minimising and negating any side-effects associated with them. Since no two people share the same health history, it is advisable to rely on your doctor’s expertise before direct consumption.