Top Five Common eLearning Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Online learning has been on the rise for the past few years due to some rapid advancements in technology. This process was fast-forwarded due to the Coronavirus outbreak around the globe. As a result, eLearning has become the new way for learning remotely. This has also helped education to become more accessible to the learners.
Accessibility is one of the biggest reasons why eLearning has become so popular in recent years. When the learners are not required to sit at a particular place and learn, education becomes more flexible. Students can also revise the content again and again through eLearning which is also a great way to retain knowledge. To make the eLearning more engaging, learning management systems like Cornerstore Learning introduced gamification to make learning more engaging and interesting to the learners. You can check Cornerstone LMS reviews to know more about how their amazing features helped their customers. Likewise, many upgrades happened to repackage eLearning and make it more engaging. But, there are a few challenges that need to be addressed in the eLearning space. Let’s look at a few of them.
1)Resistant to change:
First of all, switching from conventional classroom learning to online learning can be difficult as nobody is used to it. Although online learning has many benefits, learners need some time to adjust to this new way of learning. The major fear that learners have in online learning is the lack of communication. In a typical classroom set-up, learners have the access to tutors in-person and talk to them freely. You need to make the tutors accessible to the learners most of the time to avoid miscommunication.
2)Lack of motivation:
In a typical classroom set-up, you can directly see who is not interested in the lecture and figure out the problem then and there itself. But in eLearning, it’s hard to notice who is motivated and interested until you do assessments and conduct Q&A sessions. One thing you can do to overcome this problem is by creating engaging and interesting content through various formats like videos and graphics etc. You can also implement eLearning games to make the learners involved in the course.
3)Not creating a personalized experience:
You can never have a one-size-fits-all approach for eLearning. Because everyone responds to the content and teaching differently, it’s important to offer a personalized learning experience to expect better results. Millennials want a certain style of learning experience and the Gen Z expects a whole new approach. All you can do is, conduct a survey and try to figure out what your learners are expecting.
4)Tight eLearning budget:
You likely have a tight budget for eLearning as the organization’s priorities might be different. With a limited budget and resources, you need to give the best output to your learners. You can only do this by drafting a detailed budget that includes all the expenses. Ensure you have a realistic estimate of how much budget you need to offer effective employee training. Otherwise, you will run short of budget and need to compromise on the quality of content.
5)Limited technical knowledge:
The pandemic has forced everyone to learn more about technology and digital processes. The millennials and Gen Z are quick to adapt but the older generation is finding it difficult to cope up with technology. As a result, the organization should provide more support to these employees and make them more familiar with the technology so that they can also involve and give their best in training.
E-Learning is here to stay and every organization needs to slowly transition so that they can run their training programs smoothly. Identify the challenges in eLearning and try to address them before it has a major impact on your employees and the organization as a whole. We hope this article helps you overcome the eLearning challenges you face in your organization.
Passionate Writer, Blogger and Amazon Affiliate Expert since 2014.