What are Smart Drugs / Nootropics? An Ultimate Guide!
“Smart Drugs” is a name known for Nootropics. They are well-known to enhance focus, attention spans and aid for studying. The term “Smart Drugs” or Nootropics are getting more and more popular than ever before. But, many people still do not understand what Nootropics are.
What Are Smart Drugs?
Nootropics offer a wide range of cognitive benefits. But, have you ever wondered what are they? How do they work? What could you expect if you have taken it? Etc… These “Smart Drugs” can provide cognitive benefits to your brain. Let us discuss them below.
These chemicals are either man-made compounds or natural substances. They all offer a wide range of cognitive benefits to your brain. The term ‘Nootropic’ was first defined by Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea in 1972 with a set of 5 criteria. These criteria determine if a chemical can be a Nootropics. For each substance should have the following criteria:-
1) Enhances learning and memory.
2) Increases the efficacy of tonic control mechanisms.
(cortical/subcortical regions of the brain).
3) Lacks the usual stimulant or sedative effect.
It should have few side effects. And low toxicity.
4) Protect the brain from physical or chemical assaults.
These assaults are (eg. barbiturates. Anticholinergic drugs).
5) Enhances the resistance of the brain function under disruptive conditions. Such conditions are (eg. Electroconvulsive shock. Hypoxia, or low oxygen levels).
From the above criteria, you can see for a substance to classify as Nootropics. It requires to be able to meet a set of rigorous standards. That is why some people refer Nootropics. Not just as a “Smart Drugs”. It is a “Miracle Drugs”. Because only a selected handful of substances can actually be true Nootropics.
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How do Nootropics Work With the Brain?
A Romanian doctor, Dr. Giurgea, was first discovered Nootropic after synthesizing piracetam. It is still one of the most popular Nootropics on the market today. The word Nootropic make up with the Greek word of ‘noos’ means ‘mind’. And ‘tropos’ in Greek word means ‘to turn towards’. The word Nootropic means ‘Towards the Mind’.
Since the first discovery of Nootropics. Seven substances have classified as Nootropics / “Smart Drugs” in regular usages. As everyone has its own neurochemistry. The effect will not be the same for different people.
For some users, the effect of using Nootropic is not instant for them. It cannot improve their intellect or boost their IQ. Yet, Nootropics does boost brain function. The signaling of and production of several vital neurotransmitters have increased.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals. They acted as messengers to communicate between neurons in your brain. By enhancing signaling and raising production of neurotransmitters. Nootropics have increased the efficiency of the signals working in your brain. The result of the above has brought us benefits such as much longer periods of focus. Improved concentration. Better memory. Greater mental processing capacities and better moods.
Periodical use of Nootropics can bring benefits
Nootropics create improvements by altering the function of your brain. To be specific, the synaptic plasticity of neurons will improve. From a long-term perspective, the cognitive function and capacities will improve too.
Some Nootropics can slow down the aging process. They prevent damage to the brain by stimulating the growth of neurites and neurons. Also, both older individuals and students have proven benefits from Nootropics.
Acceptance of “Smart Drugs”
In our society today. Taking certain supplements or chemicals such as “Smart Drugs” can see as taboo. Especially when these are not the mainstream of the society. Yet, Nootropics have gotten more and more accepted in our society. For the long term effects on People’s cognitive health. There are no side effects are just irresistible to ignore.
As you are getting more knowledge about Nootropics. You are able to select the right type for your own specific needs. These “Smart Drugs” can bring cognitive benefits to your brain. Once you start using Nootropics. You will understand why you have made a smart investment for your own future.
Types of Nootropics
If you are planning to take Nootropics. You should first understand what are available. How will they affect you? In this Nootropics Review. We will look at the seven Nootropic types. Each type of Nootropics gives you different benefits. So, you must first understand their functions for each type. Then, you can select the right choice for your own needs.
The seven Nootropic types are Smart Drugs. Racetams. Peptides. Cholines. Ampakines. Vitamin B Derivatives and Natural / Herbal. Each type of Nootropics has its distinct benefits and properties. We will discuss them in this Nootropics Review. To ensure you have the knowledge to make a right choice for your own Nootropics.
1) Smart Drugs (Eg. Adrafinil. Adderil and Modafinil)
Smart drugs actually do not consider as Nootropics. It is because most of the substances in Smart Drugs do not meet the standards set by Dr. Giurgea. Smart Drugs are amphetamine based. They make them as stimulants. (Eg. Adderall)
Yet. Some smart drugs like Modafinil thought as Nootropics. Due to it can increase energy. Alertness. Levels of neurotransmitter hypocretin and motivation. But, such smart drugs regulated. It restricted for sale in the United States. Most users of Modafinil turned to alternatives like Adrafinil. Because it will convert Adrafinil into Modafinil upon digestion.
2) Racetams (Eg. Pramiracetam. Oxiracetam and Piracetam)
The most popular Nootropics are racetams. Piracetam was the first Nootropics synthesized by Dr. Giurgea. Until up to now. It has been the most popular Nootropics.
All the family members of the racetams share a similar structure. They composed of oxygen. Nitrogen and hydrogen. Each member known for improvement of core cognitive functions like focus and memory. Also, they improve energy levels and Boost up the mood at the same time.
3) Peptides (Eg. Noopept)
Although Peptides are like Racetams. Noopept of Peptides thought to be more potent than the Piracetam of Racetam. The benefits offered by Peptides are also similar. They will improve alertness. Motivation. Energy. Learning capabilities and memory.
Peptides have the ability to cross, blood and brain barrier. For example, Noopept stimulates the protein by releasing the Nerve Growth Factor. The protein is essential for the maintenance. And the growth of neurons and nerve cells. It stimulates the NDMA and AMPA receptors. Like ampakines and racetams. This Nootropic function will provide promising results for users.
4) Cholines (Eg. Centrophenoxine. Alpha GPC and Citicoline)
Choline is a water-soluble nutrient. It found in our body. But, most people are choline deficient. It is a must for both brain health and function. Also, it is supplementing your body with essential substance.
Choline offers benefits like learning and memory improvements. It’s taken along with other Nootropics such as Racetams. When both combined, acetylcholine receptor sites stimulated by Racetams. This allows the synthesis of choline, Nootropics amplify the results.
5) Ampakines (Eg. Unifiram and Sunifiram)
Ampakines are the newest forms of Nootropics. They are amongst the most potent Nootropics available. Ampakines stimulate NDWA and AMPA receptors to increase glutamate levels in your blood. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter. It affects synaptic plasticity. It is a must for proper memory and learning.
Ampakines used as alternatives to such stimulants as caffeine and Ritalin. They do not have the same side effects like insomnia. It is a general feeling of restlessness and anxiety. Ampakines are more expensive than other Nootropics.
6) Vitamin B Derivatives (Eg. Sulbutiamine)
Vitamin B Derivatives synthesized first in Japan. Because the population was deficient in Vitamin B1 and Thiamine. So, Nootropics have become popular. Vitamin B Derivatives affects the level of glutamate, dopamine and choline improve memory. Also, they used to overcome fatigue. And increase both alertness and energy.
7) Natural / Herbal Nootropics (Eg. Bacopi Monneri. Ginkgo Biloba and Valorcine)
Natural / Herbal Nootropics are plant based Nootropics. They offer a host of natural benefits. They increase brain function and health. Nootropics contain natural plant used for thousands of years as ingredients. Since they are natural, they are safe for you to take without worry of any side effects.
Choose the Best Nootropics
After you read the above Nootropics Review. There are seven types of Nootropics. They are Smart Drugs. Racetams. Peptides. Cholines. Ampakines. Vitamin B Derivatives and Natural / Herbal. Each type of Nootropics has its distinct benefits and properties.
You should have the confidence to select the benefits you are looking for. Whether your ideal goal is to improve memory and energy with Racetams. Increase synaptic plasticity. There is a right choice of Nootropics for you.
NooCube is one of the best smart drug that you can get in an affordable price. Noocube greatly helps by improving memory, learning capacity, multitasking ability, and also in better communication. It enhances focus, reduces brain fog and mental fatigue, and improves mental clarity. It reduces anxiousness and keeps your brain alert and focused.
NooCube review shows that it protects the brain cells from stress-related oxidative damage. It repairs the damaged neurons and promotes new cell generation. It enhances cognitive function overall. Noocube is a caffeine-free, fast-acting formula that boosts brain function.