What are the Benefits of Using an ICP OES Instrument?
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, or ICP-OES, is a widely used technique in several scientific applications for generating accurate elemental content analysis of a sample. This analytical method utilizes photophysical signals in elements to detect the relative amount and type of an individual element in a complex compound.
ICP-OES instruments contain several innovative benefits, making them the leading equipment for better precision and accuracy in elemental analysis. So, continue reading to learn about what these advantages are.
Provides Solutions with Rapid and Multi-element Analysis
ICP-OES instruments promote fast and reliable multi-element analysis of liquid solutions. The element lines will peak at certain wavelengths, causing the outer shell election to transition from its excited state to an electron containing lower energy levels.
Generally, detection limits are measured in parts per billion for most elements. However, these detection limits can still be improved by approximately 10x because of a desolvation system in these ICP-OES instruments.
The high-performance instruments on this platform allow for fast and accurate analysis of samples. By utilizing multiple techniques in one device, you can easily detect molecules that would have been impossible before due to their low concentrations or short detection times.
Versatile and High Compatibility
Another key advantage of ICP-OES instruments is measuring and analyzing almost everything in the Periodic Table of Elements. These instruments have a wide range of dynamic concentration, capable of measuring all kinds of elements from trace amount to high concentrations.
Generally, the detection limits are from micrograms per liter all the way to milligrams per liter.
Aside from their high compatibility, ICP-OES instruments can also allow multi-elemental quantitative analysis of elements at high speeds, reaching only a minute for a small solution amount.
Can Be Used in Various Research
ICP-OES instruments are utilized not only in the scientific field but also in food quality check processes, environmental safety, diagnostic research laboratories, bio-remediation, and biological investigations. This is because of their high throughput, big dynamic linear range, simultaneous analysis of multiple elements, high precision, and low cost.
Additionally, ICP-OES instruments have also been starting to get involved in several geological, petrochemical, nano-technological, metallurgical, and environmental studies. Additionally, because they are easy to use, many chemistry education contexts with pure spectral grade and analytical reagent grade solvents have also begun to employ these instruments.
Can Identify Element Ratios in Complex Samples
Another advantage of ICP-OES instruments is determining and analyzing different element ratios and types, even in complex samples. For instance, these instruments can effectively identify and comprehend contaminated oil, heavy metal mixtures, and crude oil compositions. These samples are normally challenging to analyze when other methods are used.
Even complicated and highly concentrated radioactive samples can also be analyzed by ICP-OES instruments, determining their elemental compositions. There are commonly separate measurements exclusively for radioactive elements to determine their radioactive degrees.
Aerosolize Various Samples
ICP-OES instruments can aerosolize a wide range of samples, offering major advantages in calibration procedures and spectral deconvolution, facilitating effective detections.
Offers Affordable Analysis Solutions
Unlike ICP-MS, ICP-OES provides researchers and scientists with a cheaper option to analyze and separate elements in a complex sample, especially when these elements do not require lower detection limits. Being affordable and cost-effective, ICP-OES instruments are widely used in several environmental applications.
ICP-OES Instruments Are Efficient and Innovative
ICP-OES instruments present several advantages, making them relatively better and more efficient pieces of equipment than other instruments and techniques used in sample analyses. They provide rapid simultaneous analysis of multiple elements, offering innovative ways to detect various samples from minuscule to high concentration amounts.
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