What Are the Common Basement Waterproofing Issues for Homes in Erie?

We get it folks! Water damage can leave everybody in Erie feeling stressed, anxious, and frustrated. Unfortunately, there’s a huge percent of homes that get affected by water damage, no matter how much we don’t expect it to happen to us.
One of the most common areas that get affected by this is the good ol’ basement! Sigh.
Investing in a basement waterproofing service will save you the trouble and money of dealing with extreme floods. But, you also need to avoid making mistakes on your own. Check out this page for more info on the topic https://www.housedigest.com/990358/basement-layout-errors-you-should-avoid/,
Many homeowners make the same six mistakes while trying to waterproof their basement. Here’s what you need to know:
Waterproofing using paint alone

Now, before we start picking on waterproofing paint, let’s remember why it’s so crucial to your basement’s protection. But, it’s not a very good idea to put all of your hopes into waterproofing paint, folks!
A common error made by homeowners is to put their trust in just one product, such as waterproof paint. Although, it might low-key be a good first step, but it’s not the only one.
Bubbles and cracks can form in waterproof paint if you apply it as a Band-Aid solution rather than fixing the real problem. This causes paint to peel and the wall to be re-exposed to moisture.
If there is water damage, hiring a specialist is the best option. Once you’ve addressed the root cause of the issue, you can put the final touches on applying the waterproof paint on your walls. Find out more here.
Drying your basement too fast
When homeowners see a flood in their basements, their natural reaction is to start freaking out and start drying everything right away. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you should know that it can have leave disastrous consequences later on.
Your basement flooding could be related to high pressure if it was caused by storm damage or the collapse of a huge body of water. If you immediately drain the basement of water, the water pressure from the surrounding area can cause flooding.
The result is a torrent of water that floods your basement and causes much more damage than before. Yikes! Plus, it floods the space all over again.
Slowly draining flood water from your basement can help you prevent this issue. Otherwise, you’d have to drain your wallet for basement repairs.
Not checking the soil around the foundation
Doing this is yet another common error made by homeowners. Water in the basement is typically caused by water soaking through the soil around the foundation.
Making sure the dirt around your house slopes away from it is one approach to get rid of this issue. Water seepage around the foundation can be reduced by filling up depressions.
Inspect the ground around the house’s foundation before using any further waterproofing methods. It’s possible that if you take these measures, water won’t be able to seep into your basements.
Sealing cold joints
When you go down into your basement, you’ll likely find that the floor and the walls of your house have some spaces in between them. You’re probably thinking something along the lines of “I need to get on with those and seal them ASAP before the water seeps through.”
Hold your horses, folks, because to tell you the truth, doing so is a major error.
But, why?
If the basement’s pressure builds up because there is nowhere for it to go, it will eventually force its way through the floor, ceiling, and walls. That could end up putting your basement’s structural integrity at risk, which could lead to collapses.
Paying no attention to runoff locations
If you see puddled areas in your basement that never dry out, it’s pretty much time to investigate the outside environment. It’s possible that water is collecting near your basement because of roof runoff.
When starting the DIY project, it’s important to look both within and outside of the house. A very good idea is to check your gutters to see that water is directed at least 8 feet away from the foundation.
Another helpful tip is to check the windows in your basement as well. Install window drains to stop water from entering through the windows and flooding your basement.
Procrastinating waterproofing
Taking preventative steps is the simplest method to save on greens for water damage repairs. What we’re trying to say is that you should waterproof your basement ASAP. It’s always better to be safe, than sorry, right?
It’s a common misconception homeowners have that basements can’t be damaged. They don’t see the need to protect their basements because “it won’t happen to me.”
But as we saw previously, almost every single property will suffer from basement water damage whether now or in the future. That’s why preventative measures like basement waterproofing are so crucial.
If you feel like you can’t handle the project on your own, don’t sweat it because you can always leave everything in the hands of basement waterproofing Erie pros and not think twice about those issues ever again.
Waterproofing services exist so you won’t have to feel stressed about your basement ever again! Awesome, right?
Why turn to pros?
Pros that specialize in waterproofing basements, have the expertise, training, and tools necessary to diagnose and fix water issues in basements.
They can offer a quick and efficient fix that gets to the heart of the matter rather than merely masking its symptoms. What’s even better is that pros have received extensive training and certification to guarantee your basement is safe from the damaging effects of water.
DIY basement waterproofing may seem like a good idea at first, but it may quickly become expensive if something goes wrong. If you don’t have the right equipment to measure moisture levels, you won’t be able to notice any issues before it’s too late. So, put your mind at ease and contact a professional waterproofing service ASAP.