Why You Should Steep Vape Juice: All You Need to Know
Steeping vape juice is a necessary step in the process of vaping, especially for those who are not used to it. It can be difficult to know when your liquid is ready for use and many people find themselves wasting their e-liquid because they don’t steep it long enough. Steeping will change the flavor of your vape due to oxidation and chemical reactions that take place within the bottle or cartridge as time progresses. This blog post will show you how to properly steep cake vape so that you can get more enjoyment out of each tank (or cartridge).
What Is Steeping Vape Juice?
Steeping is a process used to make e-liquid more flavorful by allowing it time to “breathe” and change. The keyword in that sentence is time. When you steep the best cbd vape juice, the liquid sits undisturbed for anywhere from 12 hours up to two weeks so that slower chemical reactions can take place within the bottle or cartridge. This allows flavorings and other compounds (such as vegetable glycerin) to bond with one another, producing new flavors not present during the distillation of the base ingredients.
How To Steep Vape Juice
There are many different ways you can go about steeping your vape juice – we’re going to cover two of them here today! Your first option would be setting aside your vape juice for a day or two and letting it sit undisturbed. The second option would be utilizing the power of time, as well as gravity by flipping your sealed bottle upside down at least once every 24 hours.
Why Does Steeping Vape Juice Matter?
Steeping will change the flavor of your vaped liquid due to oxidation and chemical reactions that take place within the bottle or cartridge over time. This can result in new flavors not present during distillation such as tobacco flavoring from leaves aging into dark whiskey barrels! It may seem like a lot of work but it’s worth it when you get around to vaping on some delicious steamed e-juice – just make sure you steep long enough so that the flavors can fully develop.
How Long Does Steeping Vape Juice Take?
It will take anywhere from 12 hours up to two weeks for the flavors and other compounds in vape juice to bond with one another.
We recommend steeping your vape juice for at least 24-48 hours but if you have a lot of patience, feel free to steep it longer! Just make sure that you flip your sealed bottle upside down once every 24-hours so that the liquid can fully saturate all of its ingredients properly.
How To Speed Up Steep Vape Juice?
Usually steeping is done at a particular temperature (usually room temperature), but you can speed up the process by raising the juice’s storage or steep time to higher temps.
To do this, place your sealed bottle in warm water for 30 minutes and then shake vigorously before storing it upside down so that gravity will help pull all of the ingredients together. This should reduce your steeping time from 12 hours to around 30-45 minutes!
Steeping cbd vape juice is a process that can take anywhere from days to weeks and even months, depending on the flavor profile. There are many different opinions about how long you should steep your e-liquid, but we recommend steeping for at least two weeks before vaping it.