Learn The Facts about Cobalt Blue Tarantula Caring
The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is an attractive “Old World” tarantula with iridescent blue legs with a light gray carapace and belly. Even though this tarantula is extremely common, it is not suitable for beginners. It must not be handled due to its aggressive, swift, and protective behavior. This tarantula is also very shy, so it won’t be seen as frequently as other spider species. Some keepers claim that it is one of the world’s most aggressive, gorgeous, and excitable spiders! The Cobalt Blue tarantula is a medium-sized tarantula that grows to be around 13 and 15 cm long. Males species have a lifetime of twenty to thirty years, whereas females have a short lifespan. We’ll go over some interesting facts about these medium-sized spiders in this article.
Cobalt Blue Tarantula Behavior
The Cobalt Blue is a fossorial creature, meaning it has evolved to live underground and spends all of its time in deep tunnels burrowed by itself, and can be found throughout Southeast Asia’s tropical jungles, including Burma and Thailand.
Because it is an Old World tarantula, it is missing the urticating hairs found in New World tarantulas. This means, biting is their first line of defense, and they acquire a threat posture quickly. They’ve been known to bite several times, and their venom can cause serious physical hazards. Acute pain, accompanied by localized paralysis and aching joints, have been noted as typical symptoms of Cobalt Blue Tarantula bite. They may appear shy and quiet until cornered, at which point they can almost teleport to bite. However, if they do have a burrow, they will prefer to escape rather than fight. Interact as little as possible with your Cobalt Blue, as this is better for the spider and your safety.
A decent rule of thumb to follow when building a tarantula habitat is to make it at least three times the length of the spider’s leg span. When they’re young, you can keep them in a terrarium or a Kritter keeper. Cobalt Blues are about 5 inches long on average, so you’ll need at least a 5-gallon tank to keep your spider. A 10- to 20-gallon tank is ideal because it will promote their natural burrowing inclinations while also allowing you to observe their spectacular creations.
Make sure they have a spot to hide in which they can burrow down from the inside. Because tarantulas are notorious escape artists, you might wish to acquire something with an escape-proof cover. Keepers should also ensure that their enclosure is well-ventilated. Artificial plants are an alternative, but setting up a bioactive vivarium to produce the most natural atmosphere is the best solution.
Because they are terrestrial creatures who demand a lot of space, you should acquire something with a large size and only enough height to accommodate many substrates. To lessen the chance of sickness, keep the spider’s habitat clean. This can be accomplished by spending a day every week cleaning their tank. Discard any food waste or molt from their enclosure as soon as you notice it.
Try to keep the surroundings in their enclosure as close to their natural habitat as possible. Temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for this species. If your house gets colder than these, you should acquire a heat mat to keep their tank warm. Make sure they have both a warm and a cool side to choose from.
Moisture content
Because they are native to Southeast Asia’s tropical rainforests, they will thrive at humidity levels ranging from 70 to 80 percent. You should hydrate the surface weekly and keep an eye on the moisture content in the tank to keep these figures up.
Cobalt Blue Tarantula Feeding
Once your Cobalt Blue has adjusted to the new environment, it will gladly consume mealworms, super worms, crickets, roaches, and even small pinkies. No matter how thrilled you are when you first get your spider, don’t try to feed it immediately, because eating is the last issue on your new tarantula’s mind. Allow the spider a few days to adjust to its new home and surroundings, as well as enough time to dig a burrow and spin some web. Spiderlings thrive on pinhead crickets, and the size of the prey can grow as they mature.
They can be fed every other day while they are young since they will grow quickly. You may serve them food two to three times per week if they mature and their growth has slowed. Since molting tarantulas are unable to defend themselves, keep track of when your tarantula stops feasting and discard all prey items as quickly as possible. A mealworm or cricket can nibble on your molting tarantula and inflicting injury or death is the last thing you want. Young spiders usually stop eating a few days before molting, and older adult spiders can stop eating a few weeks before molting, so keep a close eye out for this and halt all feeding till they have finished their molt and are prepared to consume again.
Molting is a vital procedure that will reveal if your cobalt blue tarantula is a female or male. When it comes to sexual dimorphism, the male will be gray and the female will be blue. When an imminent molt is anticipated, one of the key symptoms to look for is an unwillingness to eat, since it will be the most visible indication when it arrives in its new pet burrow. You’ll also locate your tarantula’s molt, which it has removed and abandoned, most likely at the entrance to its burrow. Eliminate all live feeders from the habitat if you suspect your cobalt blue tarantula is about to molt or has recently molted when you find the discarded exoskeleton.
Final Words
Do you want to get your hands on one of the world’s toughest tarantulas? This lovely tarantula can be the right choice for you if you’re okay with not being able to hold it all the time and something you can observe closely. Cobalt Blue tarantulas are a trendy hobbyist pet, however, they are not suitable for beginners.
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